Colonel Kemraj Persaud heads GDF promotions

Acting Colonel Kemraj Persaud has been promoted to full colonel, heading a list of 49 officers who were promoted by the Guyana Defence Force. The appointment of Colonel Persaud is retroactive to January 1, 2010, a release from the GDF said.

The release added that, in accordance with Part III, Section 16 of the Defence Act, Chapter 15: 01 of 1977, Chief-of-Staff, Commodore Gary Best, has announced that President and Commander-in-Chief, Bharrat Jagdeo, has approved the promotions of 49 officers and 225 other ranks. One officer’s elevation in rank is effective from January 1, 2009, while the promotions of another officer and eight other ranks are effective from January 1, 2010. Twenty-six officers and 179 other ranks were each confirmed in their rank, while 23 officers and 46 other ranks were elevated in rank.

Acting Lieutenant Colonels Paul Arthur and Leon Saul were confirmed in that rank, while substantive Major Ron Hercules was elevated in rank to acting lieutenant colonel.

Four majors have been confirmed in their rank, while Authorised to Wear Major Jermain Cort was promoted to acting major.

Five acting captains have each been promoted to substantive captain, while five substantive lieutenants are now acting captains.

Nine acting lieutenants including Authorized to Wear Lieutenant Cedric Fraser have been made substantive lieutenants, while 11 second lieutenants were each elevated to the rank of acting lieutenant.

Three coast guard officers, including one female, have each been elevated in rank to acting sub-lieutenant.

In the GDF reserve, Acting Captain Manesh Seeram has been promoted to substantive captain, while Authorised to Wear Lieutenant Marlon Daniels has been elevated in rank to acting captain and five lieutenants have each been confirmed in their rank.

Additionally, 225 other ranks have been promoted. Of this number, 179 have each been confirmed in their respective rank, while 46 have been elevated in rank. Leading these promotions, are substantive staff sergeants: Marvin Pilgrim, Troy Gaskin, Shirlon Damon, John Croker, Sherlock Rigby, Dyanor Wilson, and Leroy Garnette. The remaining 218 other ranks were promoted to ranks ranging from substantive sergeant to acting lance corporal.

In the coast guard, one rank was confirmed as substantive petty officer, two as acting petty officers, 10 as leading ratings, three as acting leading ratings, and nine as able ratings.

Any soldier who has been appointed to “substantive” rank has earned confirmation in that rank after previously holding the “acting” rank.

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