CoI exposes opposition’s ‘crooked’ allegations against Rohee – Teixeira

Three days after the Linden Commission of Inquiry (CoI) released its report about the deaths of three Lindeners who were slain on July 18, 2012, the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/ C) said it is pleased with the report submitted on the investigations.

PPP/C Central Executive Member Gail Teixeira
PPP/C Central Executive Member Gail Teixeira

The report fully clears Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee of any involvement in the events that led to the tragic incident.
PPP/C central executive member Gail Teixeira at a press conference at Freedom House on Saturday emphasised that the findings of the CoI as stated in its report, have exonerated Rohee of all charges levelled against him by an irresponsible opposition.
She stated that while a number of Lindeners suffered some form of damage(s) and received compensation, her party’s office in that region was also badly affected, with damages estimated at Gy$2.5million.
Guyana Times International was told that the CoI offered a compensation of Gy$400,000 to the PPP/ C for the damages which it suffered during the protests last year.
However, the ruling party is disappointed with the award, but posited that it will accept what the report details and the compensation it is given. Teixeira noted that the report concluded that there was no evidence given at the hearings before the commission to support the assertion that Minister Rohee gave instructions to the police force in relation to the incident in Linden on July 18.
Rohee had testified that he gave general direction on July 17, 2012 to the acting police commissioner that he should take all lawful steps to maintain law and order.
She also referred to the actions of the joint opposition before these findings were revealed as it related to their attitude and behaviour towards Rohee.
“During their quest to gain political mileage out of the events which transpired on July 18, 2012, the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change (AFC), their media operatives and affiliate organisations have waged an unrelenting, inflammatory and vindictive campaign from July 18, 2012 to the present, against the serving minister (Rohee).
“Notably, the basis for this was the false claim that he gave direct and explicit instructions to a senior rank of the Guyana Police Force on the day in question, which resulted in the deaths of three persons. The opposition was convinced that they could fool the people that they insisted that the terms of reference of the Linden Commission of Inquiry must examine their claim,” the PPP/C executive said.
It was further emphasised that having recognised that the evidence in the commission could not support their contention, the combined opposition then switched their claim.
“They switched it to a claim which waged an all out campaign on the state of crime and security, holding the minister responsible for all ills. Having succeeded in muzzling the minister, they had full reign in the House to prevent government legislation on the security sector from being tabled and discussed.

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