Clipped wings

Satiricus was fuming. Here he’d booked his and his family’s flight to New York via the new airline on the block. The kids, who were not the easiest teenagers to please, has eased off their surly retorts. They were looking forwards to frolicking in the snow. Satiricus didn’t have the heart to tell them that the slush in Ney York City was usually half mud. And now he’s told CzJet had folded!! Why did these things have to happen to him? He scampered over to the back street dive as soon as he delivered the news to the family. These children were getting positively feral!!
“You get ketch too?” asked Cappo, who didn’t sound too upset. “Bai a when yuh gon learn? Which new airline eva last wan year?”
“You mean you pay for tickets to fly in December?” inquired Suresh with eyebrows almost touching his cap. “You didn’t read all them articles?”
“Budday, that was just the Muckraker Glennie who vex the owner didn’t give him 20 free tickets to New York said Satiricus defensively.
“But you buy de ticket only last week when the owner already resign and suh!” protested Bungi. “Me Daady always warn me if oil ah float, watah deh ah battam.”
“The man made many people happy with US$400 dollar tickets to New York,” conceded Teacher Samad slowly. “But man, there was no way he could keep it up. He had to be losing big during the last few slow months.”
“So how much you get knock for?” asked Suresh with concern. “Is the whole family you buy ticket for?”
“Yes man, everybody. US$1600,” he confessed bitterly. “Plus I bought some U.S. to spend over there. You think I might be able to collect something back?”
“In the future, nah put all two foot in river if yuh want see how he deep,” advised Cappo somewhat more sympathetically. “Sato me friend, ah still waiting fuh Guyana Airways 2000 to pay me back US$550!”
“You mean you waiting since 2000?” exclaimed Hari. “That airline was with all them big ones like Yusu Persauk.”
“The looks ah de pudding is not de taste,” advised Suresh sagely. “I remember at the time Persauk tell everybody Chronicle lying when they said GA 2000 “facing serious problems,” Persauk said it was “here to stay”.
“Dat was when a buy me ticket!” exclaimed Cappo. “Ah figure he selling so much rum to abee, he could keep de airline going!”
“Sato old budday, what I can tell you?” said Samad, who knew his history. “I don’t think you will get back any money. We had about a dozen airlines from GuyAmerica in the 80’s to CzJet now. Nobody get back money!”
“Vex nah gat plaster fuh passion,” said Bungi. “Look pan de bright side. You gon have a Christmas drink wid we!”
“Yeah, I know,” said Satiricus with a smile at last, “but it’s not nice to fatten cow fuh another man!”

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