Civil society condemns KN ‘sensational’ article on Jagdeo’s property

By Michael Younge

Several members of civil society along with members of the private sector have strongly condemned the Kaieteur News’ attempt to besmirch the integrity of former President Bharrat Jagdeo, and the process through which he acquired his new retirement home.

Mohan “Glen” Lall
Adam Harris
Nigel Hughes
AFC Chairman Nigel Hughes

Observers say the newspaper’s most recent attack on the former president sensationalised the contents of the corruption debates which were aired on the National Communication Network on Sunday last.
The civil society members say the article published in the Kaieteur News on September 4 provides a clearly distorted view on the subject matter that was under debate at the time, while giving unworthy publicity to unsubstantiated claims and allegations that were made by AFC Chairman Nigel Hughes during the discourse.
“The newspaper and opposition are so obsessed with seeking to degrade, vilify, and attack the Jagdeo legacy that one cannot be surprised the lengths to which they would go to suppress all of the rational explanations offered by the government members on process through which the former president’s acquisition of private property while in office… I am not surprised that Glen Lall and his sidekicks went to the extent to publish, photos which I dare say are photoshop images of the president’s house with the aim of achieving ulterior motives,” a private sector businessman told Guyana Times International on Tuesday evening.
The businessman said the newspaper’s photos and report reflect the bitterness of Lall, as it sought to give readers the impression that Jagdeo is guilty of some corrupt practice or wrongdoing.
Other businessmen have said that the publishing of the photos of Jagdeo’s house was unethical and could see the security now, and comfort of the former president being seriously compromised.
Former Private Sector Commission chairman and current member of the Law and Order Commission, Captain Gerald Gouveia also strongly condemned the Kaieteur News for the attacks on the former president.
Gouveia said that the opposition and Kaietuer News have both failed to convince Guyanese that any misdemeanour in public office took place, or any corruption was afoot either when the former president acquired land or whether he followed the established protocols for acquiring the property he currently owns. “I think it is unfair for us to be debating the size, location and facilities that are within the former president’s house,” Gouveia offered.
“I think the move to publish the news article in such a slanted manner and to support it with a distorted picture is just malicious and dangerous… because it puts Jagdeo at risk of undue public ridicule while presenting opportunities for unlawful elements to execute their ploys against the former president,” Gouveia said.
He was adamant that nothing was wrong with a president retiring to a home that was befitting his stature after giving years of dedicated service to this country. “A case of envy and jealousy is seen here for those who have worked hard and tirelessly to achieve private assets and economic wealth,” the captain noted, pointing out that facts and information are available at the level of the Integrity Commission that would prove that Jagdeo earned, saved and invested his monies wisely.
“I am happy… proud of the fact that a former president could retire to a comfortable home bought and paid for with his own hard-earned dollars… I have nothing but respect and admiration for Jagdeo and all presidents of Guyana should be entitled to good future and retirement,” he noted.
He was particularly clear that all media houses have the right to publish stories and pictures which they believe are of public importance, but when those rights are being used to launch malicious, unsavoury and vile attacks on individuals that have served this country, then all Guyanese must be concerned.
“I am not saying that any sort of corruption or malpractice must be condoned, but I am saying that the media has no right to victimise and single people out for this sort of vindictive attacks because of their personal qualms and intent of painting them in a bad light,” he asserted.
Meanwhile, Hughes was challenged by Labour Minister Dr Nanda Kishore Gopaul to prove which member of the opposition had declared his assets and liabilities to the Integrity Commission as President Jagdeo has done since he became president. Dr Gopaul held firm to the view that the contention by Hughes that Jagdeo, while serving as head of state acquired more wealth than any other president of Guyana can be viewed as a non-issue, and a clear case of fixation with the former leader.
The labour minister’s points were corroborated by Attorney General Anil Nandlall, who argued that “the difference between Mr Jagdeo and every other president in this country is that he took power in his thirties. He didn’t own anything, he came back from studies, he worked and he acquired as he was working. He was the only president that is distinguished in that respect,” Nandlall explained.

Need for
Meanwhile Retired Assistant Police Commissioner Stephen Merai has condemned the publishing of the photographs that have exposed the tactical and security integrity of Jagdeo’s residence, and has called for an immediate inquiry into the invasion of the restricted air space and privacy of the former president.
Merai in an interview on Wednesday could not contain his disgust over the photos, which he said has clearly put Jagdeo’s life at risk, informing criminal minds of the logistics of the residence and surrounding areas. He deemed the act wicked and unethical, noting that it has left the former head of state exposed to possible attacks which could be easily ambushed since all the entry/ exit points by air, land and sea on that property have been exposed by the pictures.
Merai, who last served in B Division from where he retired last December, said in his opinion as a security expert, with that much detail published on the location, it can be concluded that much mischief is afoot. “I am of the view that it is a deliberate act to present those photographs to the nation by way of the print media by persons who have an agenda to expose the former presidents’ security to potential attacks by criminal elements and persons with political ulterior motives,” Merai, who at one time headed the police ant-crime unit said.
“Now that location is compromised and it’s no longer safe since a quick security analysis has deep reaching effects revealing critical tactical information. This act must be condemned and never repeated because it’s disrespectful to Jagdeo and not a trend to encourage in the future where other former presidents and political figures could be harassed in this manner.”

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