City holds Day of Action to spread awareness to NYC’s 30,000 “Dreamers”

On September 8, the City hosted a Day of Action on the DACA program, providing information and resources for New York City’s 30,000 Dreamers.
The Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs, the Mayor’s Community Affairs Unit, the NYC Commission on Human Rights, the Department of Consumer Affairs, and the Mayor’s Public Engagement Unit worked alongside over 200 volunteers in 31 neighborhoods with high-density immigrant populations, a release from the Mayor’s Office stated.

Mayor Bill de Blasio

Volunteers were joined by Bitta Mostofi, Acting Commissioner of MOIA, Carmelyn P. Malalis, Commissioner and Chair of CCHR, and Council Member Carlos Menchaca to assist in flyering in all five boroughs.
Volunteers distributed thousands of pieces of literature on the DACA announcement and City resources that are available to New Yorkers regardless of immigration status. DACA information was also available at all 26 IDNYC enrollment centers across the five boroughs.
“Dreamers are our neighbors, and New Yorkers stand by our neighbors in their time of need,” said Mayor de Blasio.
“We are working hard to make sure that Dreamers – and all immigrant New Yorkers – know what City resources are available to them. We will meet the Trump Administration’s anti-immigrant actions with New York values,” the Mayor added.
“This is a deeply troubling time for families in our immigrant communities, filled with uncertainty and fear of deportations,” said First Lady Chirlane McCray, who leads the City’s mental health and substance misuse efforts.
“New York City stands with Dreamers and all residents regardless of immigration status. And, the presence of more than 200 volunteers underscores the fact that help is here. Immigrant communities are a vibrant and fundamental part of our city and country’s social fabric and we stand with them,” the First Lady added.
“The termination of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program is complete affront to American values and the important contributions immigrants have made to our country,” said Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito. “Dreamers are Americans in every sense of the word and while the Presidential Administration continues to toy with the lives of these young people, the New York City Council will continue to stand up all immigrant New Yorkers and help lead the way on local immigration reform.”
“As the ultimate city of immigrants, it is our duty to uphold the eternal values of inclusion and empathy symbolized by Lady Liberty at the New York Harbor,” said Richard Buery, Deputy Mayor for Strategic Policy Initiatives.
“By standing with Dreamers, we protect the promise that anyone can make it here if they work hard and strive for greatness – a promise that afforded my immigrant family a chance at a better life. All 30,000 Dreamers are part of our family and we care about your well-being. If you are suffering with anxiety, depression, or any other mental health issues, resources are available, regardless of your immigration status. This is and will always be your city,” the Deputy Mayor declared.
The Day of Action is built on the City’s ongoing outreach work in support of DACA. Last weekend, MOIA led a DACA Faith Weekend of Action in partnership with Center for Faith and Community Partnerships and faith leaders in the Bronx, Manhattan and Queens. City staff and volunteers worked with faith leaders to give presentations on DACA, provide information and resources, connect people to immigration legal services, and facilitate advocacy, the Mayor’s Office reported.
The Mayor is a long-time supporter of DACA and, under this Administration, the City has made unprecedented investments in immigration legal services, which have aided DACA-eligible youth apply and renew their DACA applications. In addition, MOIA has led two campaigns targeting New Yorkers eligible for DACA: a 2014 campaign to boost enrollment and a 2016 campaign to encourage recipients to obtain Medicaid and access additional City benefits.

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