City Hall issues make for good soap opera

Dear Editor,

The People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) is convinced that the recent hosting of what was purported to be a “church service” by City Mayor, Hamilton Green and his followers is not a mere coincidence, but a calculated prelude to the call for protest action by David Granger.

Mr Green is an Executive Member of the People’s National Congress (PNC) which is the leading force in A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), hence making it extremely convenient for him to facilitate such an action in keeping with the party’s master plan.

The fact that the “church service” came after Mr Granger indicated his party’s intention for protest action, is further indicative of their deliberate attempt to rile-up public dissent in a planned way.

Our party believes that the “church service” and Mr Granger’s call are intended to be used as support-gathering mechanisms to instil fear and instability under the guise of calling for Local Government Elections as reflected in the Granger’s ultimatum. Guyanese must be reminded that Granger is yet to clarify which election he wishes.

This intention to once again hurt Guyana and Guyanese through protest action comes on the heels of a proposed No-Confidence Motion against the government and the “church service” must be seen in this context.

The lawlessness and wanton disrespect that ensued during that supposed attempt to “worship”, brought to the fore the well-established characteristics of the PNC through the protests engineered by the PNC. Its negative impact to people and property is well documented and all Guyanese must remain vigilant and guard against such disruptive events.

The PPP/C takes this opportunity to commend the Head of the City Constabulary and his team for the action taken to avoid further chaos during the “church service”. That said, the PPP/C is not oblivious to the blatant double standards demonstrated by the Mayor.

As the First Citizen and someone who bellows continuously for “a moral and spiritual revival”, one would have expected him not to preside over the mismanagement at City Hall, the breaking of laws and discriminating against a fellow human being as in the case of acting Town Clerk Carol Sooba.

The tactics of intimidation he initiated, including the use of a coffin as part of a mock funeral to instil fear into Ms Sooba, evokes haunting memories of similar actions that targeted former President, Mrs Janet Jagan.

While despicable, such actions in the past and present are not surprising especially given that many senior members of the PNC were present at the “church service” at City Hall.

What is even more interesting is that part of the roof of the wharf at the Stabroek Market collapsed the same day the supposed “bastion” of morality and spirituality, Mayor Green, was presiding over the “church service” at City Hall.

The wanton mismanagement at City Hall which led to the collapse roof of the wharf of this iconic market can only be described as repugnant and the unearthing by Ms Sooba of the wrong doings at City Hall would have been the premise for the constant attacks she is subjected to by the Mayor, his Deputy and their clique.

Ms Sooba’s tenacity to remain steadfast to her mandate of improving the functioning of City Hall and to expose the mismanagement, has obviously been a thorn in the Mayor’s side.

Submitted by,


Freedom House

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