City Hall grants amnesty on interest on property rates

The Mayor and City Council (M& CC) has decided to grant amnesty on the interest on property rates. The council in a release Tuesday said that it made that decision Monday.

The amnesty will become effective for all ratepayers from October 15, 2010, and will end on November 30, 2010. According to reports, the council is experiencing a shortfall of more than $ 400 million for this period, and this is impacting negatively on its ability to deliver critical services to citizens, including drainage, solid waste management, and other essential environmental services.

The council does not have the money which is most needed to provide these services and ensure the integrity of the health of the city of Georgetown.

This amnesty will assist the council to meet its financial obligations to its employees, and contractors who deliver municipal services to its citizens. Simultaneously, the amnesty provides an opportunity for those property owners who are experiencing difficulty paying their rates to settle in full all outstanding accounts.

All property owners, including corporations, companies and businesses, should take full advantage of this facility and eliminate their arrears now, the council urges.

The city treasurer will put in place all the appropriate arrangements to minimise waiting time and to ensure that all rate- payers are given good service at the City Treasurer’s Department, the council said.

Council warns that the amnesty is not likely to be extended beyond the agreed period. Therefore, it is urging all property owners to pay up their rates to the city.

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