City Constab Officer faces manslaughter charge over death of vendor

The Lance Corporal who allegedly assaulted and shot a man of unsound mind on January 14, 2018, leading to his death, was on Thursday arraigned at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court on a charge of manslaughter.
Fifty-year-old Gregory Bascom, of West Ruimveldt, Georgetown was not required to plead to the indictable charge when it was read to him by Chief Magistrate, Ann McLennan.

Killed: Marlon Fredericks

The court heard that on January 14, 2018, the accused unlawfully killed 34-year-old Marlon Fredricks, a vendor, at Regent Street, Bourda, Georgetown.
Bascom’s Attorney, Roger Yearwood sought to argue that his client was at the time operating within the course of his duties as a City Constabulary Officer.
The prosecution did not object to the bail application made by Yearwood for his client, but requested that conditions be attached.
As such, bail was granted in the sum of G$800,000 and Bascom was ordered to lodge his passport and to report to the police every Friday, until the completion of his trial.
He is expected to re-appear at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court on February 12, 2018.
Marlon Fredricks, was on Friday last arrested by police and then shot by a city constabulary officer on Saturday after it was alleged that the wanted man was attempting to escape lawful custody.
The incident occurred just outside the City Constabulary outpost on Regent Street

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