Dear Editor,
As Guyana heralds 2019, the cries of citizens through the passage of the Opposition Leader’s No-Confidence Motion and the ‘Charrandas Persaud effect’ in the National Assembly, has finally gotten the attention of the haughty ‘bring it on’ Ministers in this failed and fallen President Granger-led coalition Government.
The reverberating effects of the carried motion, has, and is now further woefully exposing the high level of unpreparedness and lack of intent of the APNU/AFC regime to operate in a manner that would truly improve the lives of our citizens. Evidence to the foregoing is the coalition Government’s subversion attempts since 2016 of Councils in Local Authority Areas (LAAs) won by the PPP/C which has been widely publicised through various media.
Importantly, the Communities Ministry notified, based on the results of the November 12, 2018 elections that the life of new Councils would become effective January 01, 2019. Accordingly, the overseers of Neighboring Democratic Councils (NDCs) the Ministry’s Administrative Officer is expected to facilitate and ensure the proper arrangements including handover and takeover of all resources and responsibilities. This would give the authority to Councillors filling seats on the Councils and allow a smooth and effective roll off. Unfortunately, this did not happen in many instances.
Information received from the elected representatives in many of the PPP/C won LAA’s, indicates that the start-off was characteristically unimaginative. On Wednesday January 02, 2019, the chaotic and very disrespectful disposition certainly continued as a bad omen, as sworn Councillors who were asked to report to the NDC Offices for a meeting at 8am, were told on arrival that the overseers are not ready and they should return at 3.30 pm.
The situation obviously agitated scars and wounds inflicted by the callous attitude of the Communities Ministry representatives, over the past Local Government term. It leads one to contemplate whether the recent related ‘no more good guy threats’ signaled by a prominent Minister in the highest echelons of the coalition, is being advanced from the very first day.
The proper establishment of the new Councils must not be frustrated nor stymied, as the required and improved service to the residents is most critical. Obviously, the Councillors should hold their first meeting as early as possible since they have to align responsibilities to the members of Finance, Works and other Committees; identify their signatories to their Bank Accounts, and also fix their date, and time for statutory meetings. In other words, they must hit the road running without these internally imposed obstacles.
The elected Councillors must approach their work with passion, to exercise achieving the essentials of the clearer vision regarding what needs to be done in their respective communities. The Chairpersons must be able to get the unflinching support of the elected Councillors and have regular discussions with the residents of the communities. There must be full accountability and development works must be carried out in an acceptable manner so that the entire Local Authority Area benefits.
It is imperative that the leadership of the Councils in the LAAs level be vigilant, inclusive and effective. Today, the challenges facing our people are getting more unbearable. Cost of living is going sky-high and there is no work for thousands of our people, particularly our youths. Significantly, increased crime is now the order of the day and the Government is doing very little to address the causes and arrest the trend. The NDCs must also support the development and maintenance of playgrounds, while advancing effective cooperation programs that would help to engage our youths constructively.
It is quite significant but not without notice, that the fallen APNU/AFC coalition Government is now grasping at straws. The now undemocratic efforts, new sinister and delaying guise of this fraudulent regime, is about holding on to power at any cost. The extreme self-enriching maladministration and unsympathetic disposition, which characterises this Government, has brought them to a self-instituted crossroad that comes full circle with their 2015 No-Confidence Motion.
The difference, however, is that while in Opposition, the APNU/AFC took actions to derail the PPP/C Government, and they did so in such a wicked vindictive manner, that their Administration and Ministers had no idea how to recover when in Government. It is constitutionally instructive for the resignation of President Granger and his Cabinet, and for the holding of National and Regional Elections within 90 days from December 21, 2018.
There is no denial that Speaker of the National Assembly, Dr Barton Scotland has taken a stand in upholding his Constitutional mandate as the world watched. He must be applauded by all and sundry. This column also agrees with the decision of the Opposition not to attend the Parliamentary Session of January 03, 2019, which was in clear violation of the Constitution, in the absence of the required resignations.
Given its failure as a Government, the coalition’s signal of going to Courts creates a looming crisis through it now public intent to abuse the judicial system. Such decision in an evaluation whether 33 votes are more than 32, will quickly evolve into a crisis that parallels the Venezuelan threat. It is volatile, flammable, lacks basis, and serves to erode the foundations of cohesion required for future national development. It also establishes the reasons why the orchestrators of this incompetent regime should not be trusted. The APNU/AFC cabal must do the right thing by resigning in keeping with the Constitution and face our citizens.
It is significant that the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) has indicated its readiness to proceed with the required General and Regional Elections. Importantly, GECOM can proceed with the List of Electors used at the November 12, 2018 Local Government Elections, since it is Valid until the end of April 2019.
Guyanese at home and in the diaspora are watching, while the International Community is witnessing the exercise of a flagrant violation of our Constitution and our people have definitively made it clear regarding the lost trust in this farcical and now illegal regime. This column therefore affirms the call for the immediate resignation of on the APNU/AFC Government.
Notably, the PNCR cabal of the APNU/AFC regime through an Aubrey Norton-led press conference, has made it clear that they are willing to face the people of Guyana at any time in General Election. To the PNCR we say why the delay? Bring it on!
Neil Kumar
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