Citizens Bank to open branch in Linden

Clifford Reis

Residents of Region Ten may soon benefit from an additional banking facility as Citizens Bank hopes to open a branch in Linden in May.

This announcement was made by Chairman of the Board of Directors of Banks DIH Ltd, Clifford Reis, who was in Linden recently.

Reis said the bank is awaiting the necessary approval to open a branch in Linden, and the financial institution is earnestly working to meet its deadline.

The former Quik Serv building on Republic Avenue, Linden is currently being remodelled to accommodate the banking facility.

Reis said that the Banks DIH sister company, Citizens Bank, is looking forward to working with residents of Region 10 to develop the region. He added that Citizens Bank sees Region 10 as having tremendous potential for development.

Citizens Bank began operation in 1994 and presently has branches in Georgetown, Bartica and Parika. The bank has also begun feasibility studies to open a branch in Region Two.

Banks DIH Limited holds more than 50 per cent of Citizens Bank financial stock, while Continental Agencies Limited has an interest of 15 per cent; Hand-in- Hand Group has an 8.1 per cent interest and a pension scheme of 7.8 per cent in the bank. The two banks currently operating in Linden are Republic Bank and New Building Society Limited (NBS).

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