Citizens Bank opens branch at Charity

Citizens Bank on Monday opened a branch at Charity on the Essequibo Coast, providing much  needed services to the business community and residents there, the North West District and Pomeroon.
Citizens Bank Chairman Clifford Reis said the bank is pleased to introduce its services at Charity as the community is home to primarily gold miners and agro-processors/farmers.
He said the bank saw the struggles miners, farmers and residents endure to access the bank located at Anna Regina and felt compelled to respond to their need.
“Citizens Bank is different, we bring the service to the people, all other banks on the coast are located is Anna Regina, we saw the burden residents from Charity faced.”
He said too that the bank will be providing loans to promote small business development.
“We are aiming to provide businesses with small loans so they can establish themselves, as well as create jobs for others,” he said.
President Donald Ramotar said the expansion of services in the banking sector is testimony to the growth and development of Guyana, and lauded the investment by Citizens Bank.

President Donald Ramotar, flanked by Natural Resources Minister Robert Persaud (left) and Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh, cuts the ceremonial ribbon to officially open the Citizens Bank branch at Charity

“I want to commend the directors for conducting the feasibility study, this is the first ever bank in Charity, it will save the people a great lot and it will offer many opportunities in forms of loans for farmers.”
Citizens Bank Managing Director Eton Chester said the mission of the bank is to provide innovative and superior services to all Guyanese.
Chester said Essequibians will be offered 24-hour retail and corporate banking services through the ATM located on the second floor of the Alfro Alphonso five-storey supermarket complex, the area where the bank is located.
Several Charity businessmen who spoke with Guyana Times International said the bank will be of great benefit to them.
“Many times we do not feel safe to go to Anna Regina to bank our monies, we are afraid that we get robbed, as such, we are thankful for this bank in Charity.”
The occasion was also attended by Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh, Natural Resources and Environment Minister Robert Persaud, Region Two Chairman Parmanand Persaud, Regional Vice Chairman Vishnu Samaroo and Member of Parliament Cornel Damon, among others.

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