Cinema returns to Guyana

Patrons milling about in the movie theatre on Water Street, Georgetown, that was opened by businessman Harry Panday on Saturday

The magic that allows friends and family to converge at one place to watch films with moving images about 50 times bigger than the screen at home, has been brought back to Guyana.
This was made possible by a multimillion dollar investment in a movie theatre by the Panday family. The theatre on Water Street, Georgetown, was opened on Saturday. The Pandays said the younger generation can now enjoy a cinema, a popular place for family outings about two decades ago.
Speaking with this newspaper, proprietor of the cinema Harry Panday said it will be a new experience for many young Guyanese.
“We are having two other in-door theatres, the buildings exist already, it’s just to put it together. We will have stage shows, that stage there is being constructed right now and we have a stadium and pavilion and another one which will overlook the stage,” he noted.
He added: “The two cinemas are accommodating 235 persons each; the two other cinemas will accommodate approximately 300 persons each. The seating capacity on the pavilion is about 200 and that next stadium type pavilion will accommodate another 300, and in addition to the car park which will take in about 120 to 130 cars – that’s a lot of seating and capacity for movies and a total of  six movie theatres showing at the same time.”

The movie threatre on Water Street, Georgetown

When asked about security measures in place at the location, the owner said he will go all out in this regard. Panday said in recent years, he built a bond in the area and enjoys a good relationship with the residents.
“At the moment, there is no sign of any security risks. If that should come about, we will employ special security guards to patrol the street if that is necessary. We cannot and will not cause patrons to be at risk. Whatever security measures are needed, we will absolutely, regardless of the cost, take care of that because the intention here is to have clean, secure entertainment.”
Admission to the theatre is Gy$500 for adults and Gy$300 for children.
The Pandays said that the project is the beginning of a few new investments that will transform Water Street into an entertainment hub.

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