
…of Moustache Man?

Or a case of “just don’t give a damn” by the entire PNC-led APNU: in this case, of Basil Williams taking his odiferous doo-doo and rubbing it on the behind of the learned judge of the High Court?? Whatever it is, the AG’s drawn the battle lines between the Executive and the Judiciary – lines that were staked out early in this administration, when the Mustachioed Man went after the then Chancellor of the Judiciary.

Many in the society – especially supporters of the Government – brushed aside that early salvo as “sticking it to PPP appointees”. They assumed amnesia about what the PNC had proved in their first incarnation in Government: give them an inch and they’ll take a furlong; especially when it comes to the Judiciary. The two top honchos in the Judiciary are both appointed by this Government, and yet, here it is: the AG is walking all over them.

Justice Holder had tried to avoid bringing out into the open the conflict involving Executive overreach into Judicial competency when, after Williams’s gross disrespect, he left the bench rather than slap him with a contempt order for his contemptible behaviour and words. But against Justice Holder’s valiant sacrifice for the dignity of the Guyanese state, Williams displayed his total lack of class – and unconcern for the big picture – when he now insists the Judge can’t cite him for contempt OUT of court!!

Can you believe this? Well, this Eyewitness can. Williams is a fella who’s so self-conscious about his unfitness for the office he holds that he’ll inevitably resort to the “brute force and ignorance” that’s become his trademark. What else is available to him? Certainly not the wit or legal facility of his Founder Leader, whom he tries to mimic, but actually parodies and caricatures!

But this is a serious matter, dear readers, and the leaders of the Judiciary will have to rise to the occasion, like Justice Crane did back in the day. In a Parliamentary democracy, there’s no ‘separation of powers’ between the Executive and Legislature. The latter’s the slavish handmaiden of the former, since each MP is either a minister serving at the will of the President, or SLOBBERS at the thought of becoming a minister – to rake in the privileges and perks. Only the Judiciary stands between rule of law and rule of the jungle.

The matter of the AG being in contempt of the Court is not a matter that should be left for Pressie to call off his terrier. It is for the Chancellor and Chief Justice (both acting) to demonstrate they won’t be cowed because of their sex or their insecure tenure.

…on waste

Can the AFC be so oblivious to their status in Guyanese society nowadays that they would miss the irony of the caption they placed over their Column in the Muckraker: “Putting waste in its place”? Most Guyanese – especially their supporters in Berbice – see THEM as a “waste” today, and are only waiting for 2020 to dump them into the dustbins of history.

One of the reasons they probably don’t see the reality is because folks like the Muckraker’s publisher kept their column in the face of their total irrelevance both in and out of government. Quick now: can you think of an initiative of the Government – ANY initiative – in which the AFC had a finger, much less a hand?

Your Eyewitness isn’t holding his breath on the VAT on private education ploy the AFC’s trying to pull to distinguish itself from APNU. That’s just a distinction without a difference, after the slavish support they’ve given up to now.

Like they say in Berbice: “Dew cyaan full wha’ rain na full!!

…in food ad

The theme for “Restaurant Week” reminds your Eyewitness of a used tyre outfit’s promo announcing a “blowout sale!!”

Doesn’t “Explore eat and repeat” highlight what you DON’T want food to do to customers?? Repeat!!


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