Champion bodybuilder Hugh Ross to launch book/DVD

– To focus on exercise, nutrition and supplements

By Avenash Ramzan

In an effort to promote the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, Guyana’s internationally renowned bodybuilder, Hugh Arlington Ross, will soon launch a book and DVD geared at simplifying the various methods that can be used to enhance one’s health.

Hugh Ross

Speaking to this publication from his New York office on Tuesday morning, Ross said that after the success of his first DVD, ‘Access Granted- Top Secrets Finally Revealed’, in 2008, he was constantly asked by fans to do another series exclusively on workouts.
The Book/DVD, which is currently being compiled, will be out soon, most likely before Christmas or early next year, according to Ross. The book as well as the DVD will feature complete demonstrations on exercises for every body part, as well as nutrition and supplement guidelines. Ross added that the aim of this undertaking is to give persons an appreciation and understanding of the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle, and learning the intricacies of being fit, and how to carry out proper exercises.
According to Ross, bodybuilding promotes fitness, while it helps one to utilize a balanced nutritional intake for the purpose of good health. The benefits of being a bodybuilder are tremendous, he added.
“Anyone can live a bodybuilding lifestyle; it is what I consider a healthy lifestyle in that it entails you staying fit and utilizing proper nutrition for the purpose of good health, which reflects in one’s appearance. You cannot go wrong by embarking in such a lifestyle,” Ross explained in an exclusive interview with this publication in early August.
Meanwhile, Ross, who was in Guyana in July to promote and stage the third biennial Hugh Ross Classic, is currently engaged in off-season training in New York. The 53- year-old revealed that he is out of competition for the rest of the year, but during the initial part of 2013, he will be reviewing the senior competitions with a view to compete for top honours in a few of them. “Currently, I have resumed lifting heavy again, while taking in an addition 500 or so clean calories daily. Hopefully, this should equate to added muscles. After all, I’m still a growing child,” Ross said.
Ross won the Over-40 Masters category at the Mr. Universe in November 2010 and the Masters Over-50 title at the NABBA World Championships in Ireland last June.

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