Caught red-handed: Police nab bandits during supermarket robbery

…gun, ammo found

Three bandits who were in the process of robbing a supermarket at Grove, East Bank of Demerara (EBD) on Wednesday, were nabbed following swift actions by Police.
Reports are the three men – one of whom was armed with a handgun – stealthily entered the “Number One Supermarket” at about 04:30h on Wednesday.
The men pounced on the lone security guard and bounded his hands with his shoe lace. The bandits then proceeded to the third floor of the building, removed the grill from a window and entered the building.

The supermarket in which the bandits were caught

As the bandits were all inside of the supermarket, the 53-year-old security guard, managed to free himself and immediately alerted neighbours who summoned the Police.
Prompt response from the lawmen resulted in the bandits being caught in the act. When Guyana Times International visited the supermarket, Andy Lin, whose family owns the business, and who resides in the top flat of the building, said he was asleep and unaware of what was happening. He said that at about 06:00h, he learnt of what had transpired when a Police Officer went into the upper flat and alerted him. The CCTV footage was also reviewed, which showed the men entering the premises.
When the men were nabbed they had G$70,000 in prepaid phone cards and an undisclosed sum of cash in their possession.
Meanwhile, a .38 revolver with six live matching rounds was also found.
An employee of the business told this publication that the supermarket was only opened about five weeks ago. Meanwhile, the bandits – two of whom hail from Herstelling Sea Dam and the other from Covent Garden, EBD – are being processed for court.

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