Project Failures!!! Why?

Efficiently delivering expected performance for projects remains a critical challenge for many project managers globally. Improving our understanding of how various factors influence project performance is therefore an important research objective. It is necessary to comprehend the processes and testing of temporal models to benchmark project performance (TMPP). Performance can be better understood by separating risk factors into earlier (a priori) risk factors and later (emergent) risk factors, and modeling the influence of the former on the latter. Project performance – the dependent variable – is measured by considering both…

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The Digital Divide and Internet Governance

– The Challenges     The Government of Guyana’s long term vision for ICTs in Guyana has continuously maintained the grounds for promoting technology as a solution that will enhance development. It is true that technology can be used for active participation at the micro levels or at the macro-levels of governance, but with new developments in technology this will give birth on a recurring baseline to new challenges and issues as digital economies emerge. The digital divide is one such issue that former President Jagdeo advocated and the current administration…

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Asset aspirations: the roadmap to pro-active maintenance management system

Research has shown the importance and impacts of Condition Based Risk Management and the results achieved underline the spicy question most CEOs and maintenance managers will have to digest. In order to achieve success in the industry, CEOs and maintenance managers must discuss at the functional and operational levels the question that forms the baseline for delivering high asset reliability and availability indices through complete analysis of the following question: “CAN CONDITION-BASED RISK MANAGEMENT (CBRM) DELIVER THE DREAM TICKET TO RELIABLE ASSET OPERATION?” “Robert Davis” IEE Power Engineer Issue April/May…

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