Speaker has duty to maintain orderly conduct of debates in the House

Dear Editor, One of the basic principles of parliamentary procedure is that proceedings in Parliament are conducted in terms of a free and civil discourse. In order that debate on matters of public policy be held in a civil manner, the House has adopted rules of order and decorum for the conduct of Members towards each other and towards the institution as a whole. Members are to show respect for one another and for different viewpoints; offensive or rude behaviour or language is not tolerated. Emotions are to be expressed…

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Guyana Govt should involve other key stakeholders in addressing economic slowdown

Dear Editor, As I travel around the country, people complain about the difficulties of making ends meet – wages have not been keeping up with price increases, and money is not readily available to spend. Many are recently out of work and unable to afford basic needs. The Government has not shown that it is seriously concerned about the fragile economy, moving from high taxation to closing down state factories. There has, since 2015, been an economic slowdown with no sign of recovery. Figures show that growth has been anemic…

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Now that sugar workers are being ‘royally screwed’, where is Moses?

Dear Editor, An anonymous letter writer described me as ‘a confused complainer’ because I exposed Mr Moses Nagamootoo’s hypocrisy with regards the plight of the sugar workers. He, Nagamootoo had said at a rally in Canje (ironically the first set of workers in Berbice to be given redundancy letters) that, “Guyanese should light a candle for sugar workers…sugar workers are being screwed”. Now that the sugar workers are being ‘royally screwed’, where is Moses? Of course, he is not busy parting the Red Sea, that was done a long time…

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Budget 2018 is a clear path towards “Continuing on the Road to More Debts”

Dear Editor, APNU/AFC presented its Budget 2018 under the caption “Continuing on the Road to the Good Life”. Unfortunately, more accurately, Budget 2018 is really a document that deserves the title “Continuing on the Road to More Debilitating Debt”. I was assisted in this initial contribution on Budget 2018 by RA, a public servant who has to remain silent, fearing recrimination. This past week, Finance Minister Jordon read APNU+AFC’s Budget 2018, the fourth budget since assuming office in May 2015. Budget2018 further solidifies the sad fact that both the minister…

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Guyanese youths are being sidelined

Dear Editor, It is clear to everyone with an objective mind that the President is stacking the deck of likeminded stagnated thinkers to achieve a desired result that has nothing to do with Guyanese. If you look at all the positions being filled to control the democratic process, the President has arbitrarily selected people that would do what his Government wants. It does not help that they are clearly too old to be progressive thinkers to consider the interest of the youth. Never since Burnham have the youth been sidelined…

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Coalition Govt must do more to create jobs for youths

Government and Finance Minister Winston Jordan were last year roasted for introducing dozens of new taxes in the 2017 Budget, ranging from one on private education to a tax on miners. A significant amount of rage was pointed to the Minister, but from all appearances this time around, the 2018 edition might be the first indication of measures aimed at simply winning votes. After all, it is mid- term and Local Government Elections are scheduled for next year. After much picketing and lobbying, the education services tax has been lifted…

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Sexual harassment at school, work must be dealt with immediately

Dear Editor, I was about to write on another topic when a letter from a prominent attorney on the school sexual case caught my eye. I took particular interest in his letter because it shows the depth, width and scope this sexual predatory practice has become in our school system. It seems — and from discussions I have had with folks in Georgetown — like this high school sexual mess is a pretty pervasive act, starting from the Ministry of Education officials right down to the ordinary teacher; all are…

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Is this how a democratic liberal party operates?

Dear Editor, The press recently reported that AFC Chairman Khemraj Ramjattan referred to the AFC as a “liberal democratic party.” If that is so, why then did he and Party Leader Raphael Trotman decide to approve the unilateral appointment of the GECOM chairman while many senior AFC members have strong reservations about this appointment, which was not vetted? This is revealed from a brief reading of recently leaked emails. Mr Ramjattan has unreasonably accused those who released those emails as being “rogue elements.” Even if that is so, it still…

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UK Guyanese diaspora object to unilateral GECOM appointment

Dear Editor, I spent some two weeks this month in the United Kingdom, travelling around and interacting with Guyanese and other Caribbean and South Asian diaspora communities, and discussing varied issues relating to immigrants and minorities. Naturally, politics in Guyana was the focus of discussion among all Guyanese and most Caribbean nationals. Several of them raised issues, including the controversial appointment of retired Justice James Patterson as Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM). The recent unilateral appointment of Patterson as GECOM Chair was the center of conversation of every…

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Is there no stopping the madness at City Hall?

It is mind-boggling how the train wreck called the Mayor and Councillors of the City of Georgetown are being allowed to hurtle toward complete disaster at break neck speed taking all of the citizens of Georgetown with them into proverbial hell, while those in authority are pretending as though everything is honky dory at City Hall. Reading the recent letter appearing in the dailies, authored by the Chief Constable is very instructive. Why the Social Protection Ministry and the Police have not taken assertive action against the heads at City…

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