Dear Editor, Sugar workers have been treated as second-class citizens by the Granger-led APNU/AFC. They have been lied to and cheated on the last five years. During that time, David Granger never once acknowledged their plight. Suddenly, it is election time and Granger and APNU/AFC are twisting themselves like a good American pretzel, making more false promises to the sugar workers, not only reaffirming their second-class citizen treatment, but now treating them like they are stupid. For five years they did nothing to give the sugar workers land, which they…
Read MoreCategory: Letters
Lesson may have come too late for David Granger
Dear Editor, In a display of willful ignorance, David Granger and his Cabinet sat on January 23, 2020, and decided upon appointments for various State Boards. While the ignorance of laws is the new normal for Granger as noted by the US State Department “The United States is concerned about recent actions by Guyana that may undermine democratic principles, including apparent misapplication of the Guyanese Constitution and certain court rulings,” it is the damage being done to the institutions and character of persons who accept these appointments that is the…
Read MoreThat US$55B “signed away” by Trotman/APNU/AFC
Dear Editor, According to Global Witness, the atrocious deal which Trotman signed with ExxonMobil saw Guyana losing some US$55 billion (fifty-five billion American dollars). At $220 to US$1 this is equivalent to $12,100,000,000,000 (Twelve trillion, one hundred billion Guyana dollars) – my calculator ran out of display space. I will now try to put into context how much money this is and what the same could have paid for in our dear old Guyana. While some of the following might appear on the surface to be funny, I can assure…
Read MoreOf oil prices and oil contracts
In the midst of new concerns raised about the contract it signed with the three-party consortium to develop the oil reserves in the Stabroek Block, the Department of Energy’s Head – the environmentalist Dr Mark Bynoe – reiterated that Guyana will be shipping its first million-barrel share of “2% royalty and 12.5% profit oil” later this month. This means that Exxon, Hess and CNOOC, would have already lifted and shipped their 85.5% shares. Guyana’s oil will be sold to a division of Royal Dutch Shell, which won a controversial bid…
Read MoreBlatant act of discrimination and victimisation
Dear Editor, By sheer accident, I ran into the path of “The Unruly Horse” where it’s rider, Mr Anil Nandlall, eloquently (as usual) established many of the instances by this Government, since 2015, of blatant abuse of power, disregard and disrespect for the rule of law, flagrant and obvious racial discrimination as well as political, where persons were perceived not to be in their “camp” (remember the 2000-plus Amerindians who were summarily dismissed, and the Afro Guyanese farmers on West Coast Berbice, whose leases were terminated, from all appearances, it…
Read MoreAPNU/AFC unable to campaign on achievement
Dear Editor, It is a massive disappointment to listen to the incumbent APNU/AFC unable to campaign based on its achievement despite being in Government since May 2015. It should have been an easy walkover for them but the fact is, they have little to show for their tenure in Government, except an accelerating decline in our social and economic life due mainly to poor monetary and fiscal policies, wasteful spending, astronomical and unprecedented levels of corruption and blatant violations of our Constitution. Our declining standard of living resulted from over…
Read MoreCorruption Perception Index (CPI) does not measure actual corruption and is extremely flawed
Dear Editor, Guyana has made a quantum leap on the Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index (CPI). According to the recently released report for 2019, Guyana scored 40 points in 2019, up from 37 in 2019. Consequently, the ranking of the country has improved from 93 in 2018 to 85 in 2019. For some Guyanese, the report from Transparency International (TI) certainly offers some respite after the deluge of articles in the independent press (Stabroek News and Guyana Times) regarding irregular or questionable transactions unearthed by the Auditor General in his…
Read MoreMinimising corruption, unethical behaviour in GPF
Dear Editor, Minister of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan hit the nail on its head when he recently called for tougher scrutiny of recruits to weed out corrupt ranks in the Guyana Police Force (GPF). According to a daily newspaper article, the Hon Minister in response to a report that a member of a specialised section of the GPF was fingered in an armed robbery on the West Coast of Demerara, stated,” All rogue elements must be forced out. We must strengthen the vetting system (for recruits) …. but we still…
Read MoreMarch 2, 2020 is judgement day
Dear Editor, After seeming aeons of vexatious wait and uncertainty, the Guyanese public finally welcomed President Granger’s official proclamation that March 2, 2020, will be General and Regional Elections. The necessary forced announcements come earlier than Mr Granger’s fallen APNU/AFC Government would have truly liked, signalling an end of the frustrating wait by the Opposition, the nation and international stakeholders. Judgment day will soon be upon us for the trial and ousting of the dictator. It follows an extended period, through which, the President and his men exercised glaring constitutional…
Read MoreGranger, APNU/AFC treat sugar workers as second-class citizens
Dear Editor, For five years, sugar workers asked David Granger for help. These hardworking people ask for nothing, but being paid fairly. There is nothing decent and honest about ignoring the workers. Wage freeze is the ultimate in anti-working class politics and Granger and APNU/AFC have consolidated their anti-working class credentials by ignoring these sugar workers. For five years, Granger has ignored sugar workers’ plight, excepting giving the orders to fire over 7000 of them, approving a wage freeze and closing four estates. Anytime the PPP and the sugar unions…
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