The AFC seems to have now perfected the art of deceit and trickery

Dear Editor, Guyanese are now faced with the revival of the Burnham era- not by the PNC, but by the Alliance for Change, a political party whom the electorate had placed their trust and confidence to make ‘the right turn’ away from corruption, cronyism, racial discrimination and vendetta politics. The AFC were supposed to bring in a new political culture which would herald peace and harmony among Guyanese, but since coalescing, it has continued to make all the wrong turns! Moreover, whatever miniscule shred of respectability had remained in the…

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Justice and fairness are key elements of compassion

Dear Editor, Human nature is invariably flawed with envy, greed, jealousy, and sometimes cruel instincts, yet even in the worst of us, there is the attribute of compassion. The attribute of compassion may vary. However, its underlying nature remains the same- to do good. Large attributes and mercurial fragments encompass empathy, kindness and action. In whatever form or matter, compassion is within each of us. Compassion is often aligned with the indefinable soul. The villains of compassion are hate, which is a permanent imbalance of the brain -or a disease-,…

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What is really happening in Guyana?

Dear Editor, I read, with a disturbed mind, about a 53-year-old former Police Officer who raped a three-year child in Guyana. Things like these bother the psyche of humans and we can ask ourselves many questions like: Who can we trust these days with our children? What kind of a human would think in such an evil way about a child? Will a life sentence be good enough, or instant hanging? As I continued reading, about another story of two soldiers raping a young lady, another story popped up whereby…

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Attacks on the Opposition seek to justify Govt’s corruption, incompetence and failures

Dear Editor, The massive crowds converging at all the venues where the Leader of the Opposition kept his community and public meetings speak volumes of his growing popularity as the true leader of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP). Not only members, supporters but a growing number of Guyanese from other political parties are now being converted. They have great confidence that he will deliver this country once again on the path to social and economic development. They have seen what the People’s National Congress-dominated Government can do in just over…

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Berbice Bridge fiasco an election gimmick gone wrong

Dear Editor, The Board of the Berbice Bridge Company Inc (BBCI), led by Dr Surendra Singh, has proposed a hike in the tolls paid to use the Berbice River Bridge. It is a very steep rise in the tolls, which, according to the latest report, is due to commence on November 12, 2018, the very day set for Local Government Elections. Immediately there was a train of events that followed: the pro-People’s National Congress electronic media in Guyana began churning out the propaganda news of the ‘evils’ of the People’s…

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Concerns about elections rigging in Guyana are valid

Dear Editor, Only last month, the Leader of the Opposition made a reasonable assumption that Guyanese fears of a rigged election are valid and based on some stark realities which have taken place and are currently taking place. These existing realities that have been affecting our electoral process in recent times have left no doubt in my mind that the People’s National Congress (PNC) has set the stage to attempt to rig the Local Government Elections (LGE) and by extension, the General Election in 2020 and future ones as well.…

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APNU/AFC rejected in Berbice

Dear Editor, The Regional Democratic Council of Region Six raised several issues of concern in order to hold the APNU/AFC coalition Government accountable to the Guyanese people, especially the residents of Region Six. The East Bank Berbice Public Road Project is being executed by the Works Services Group of the MoPI, and, to date, residents are still at a loss, since this project seems to be a “top secret “for the APNU/AFC Government. Nothing is being given to the RDC, or even being made public pertaining to the design, bill…

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What betterment is the AFC talking about?

Dear Editor, On October 15, in a section of the media, the attention of the GAWU was drawn to a report which stated that Vice President, Minister of Public Security, and Alliance for Change (AFC) Chairman, Khemraj Ramjattan, in his address to a meeting in New Amsterdam on October 13, among other things, spoke to the sugar industry. Based on the report, the public meeting, described as the launching of the AFC’s LGE 2018 campaign, attracted some 30 persons, and we gathered that the Vice President told those in attendance…

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Guyana described as next big global oil beast without meaningful benefits

Dear Editor, Mr Robin Mills, a guru in the oil industry, writing for “The National”, an online and print media platform, posted on October 8, 2018 that – “Guyana may be the next big beast in Global Oil”; Mills foresees the country emerging as the top per capita oil producer. It is noteworthy that Mr Mills of The National ignored the robber baron 2 per cent royalty in the 2016 Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) between Exxon’s Esso two partners, Hess & Nexen, and the Government of Guyana, which is so…

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Balance, objectivity and fairness are the foundation of good journalism

Dear Editor, I have noted the expressed and implied attack on me on Monday, the 15th October 2018 in a front page article headed “Transparency body sees “Major” conflict of interest for Hugheses over oil.” I wish not to dwell upon the motives for the publication, but merely to provide to the general public information which is, and was at all times, available to the general public on the most cursory of inquiries. On the day of July 4, 2018, I submitted my declaration of assets and interest to the…

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