The coalition has committed numerous atrocities against the Guyanese public to warrant this ‘divorce’

Dear Editor, Our Constitution, like that of any other country, is the supreme law and it not only provides the main governing laws in broad terms, which all other laws must be in consistency with, but it also provides vital checks and balances for those who are in authority to govern our country. In addition, the Constitution safeguards our principle and important rights and entitlements as citizens from each other and from our Government. Therefore, it is this Constitution which gives us the power through our elected representatives in the…

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The APNU/AFC Govt has failed in every aspect of governance

Dear Editor, Four years after entering office with a slim but controversial victory at the May 11, 2015 polls, the APNU/AFC coalition Government has reversed the direction of Guyana into a failed state. The coalition Government’s failure to address numerous scandals is the reality, which is that this coalition Government is considered to be the most corrupt Government ever in the history of Guyana. The APNU/AFC coalition Government has failed in every aspect of governance in order to realise the good life for all Guyanese. In just four years of…

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Gangs pushing drugs in some of Guyana’s schools

Dear Editor, According to the media, “Officials within the school system are suspected to be culprits in the emerging issue of students using illegal drugs, says Public Security Minister Khemraj Ramjattan”. Does he really have no clue? Surely the Minister is aware that drugs are becoming a big business in Guyana with a number of gangs operating in various parts of Guyana and being responsible, to a significant degree, in getting drugs in schools. Is he not aware that these gangs coerce kids, especially from rich families, to push the…

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Who covered Compton Reid’s legal expenses?

Dear Editor, Compton Reid, a private citizen, and a farmer from Berbice, took it upon himself to challenge the validity of the vote cast by former APNU/AFC MP Charrandas Persaud as a means of nullifying the December 21, 2018, motion of no-confidence which had ended the term of the Government. It is publicly known that Reid was represented by a large team of lawyers at both the High Court and the Court of Appeal of Guyana and at the Caribbean Court of Justice – Rex McKay, SC, Robert Corbin, and…

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Corrupt police officers must be dealt with

Dear Editor, I have been a very regular visitor to Guyana, in excess of 30 years; and have had truly wonderful times experiencing all aspects of this land: people, flora and fauna. But all is never perfect. On three occasions within the last 14 years, I have witnessed instances in which Policemen, representing the state, demanded bribes from registered taxi drivers, all for spurious misdemeanours. One that really raised my ire occurred on May 8th, during a 5-minute drive before Parika Stelling. The officer (name and regulation number stated), without…

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Flawed mathematical reasoning should be rejected

Dear Editor, This week, the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) will hear oral arguments regarding whether 34 votes (as opposed to 33) constitutes a “majority” and is required for a successful passage of a No-Confidence Motion brought in Guyana’s 65-membered Parliament, pursuant to Article 106 (6) of the Constitution of Guyana. In March, Guyana’s Court of Appeals (the Court), in a 2 to 1 vote, controversially overturned a decision by the lower court, which previously held that the aforesaid motion filed by Guyana’s Leader of the Opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo, was…

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Move to honour convicted terrorist has stained Guyana’s image

Dear Editor, APNU/AFC’s motion in Guyana’s Parliament honouring Abdul Kadir — a man convicted of conspiracy for terrorism against America — was severely, rightfully and broadly blasted in and out of Guyana. The Guyanese people’s position to APNU/AFC is, “Speak for yourself”, not for the people of Guyana. The Opposition PPP has distanced itself from the Parliamentary motion. The Private Sector Commission and other organisations have chastised APNU/AFC for passing the motion praising Kadir for being a “great man”. The letter columns and social media postings have been dominated by…

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Ramjattan should have been forced to resign over such tasteless comments

Dear Editor, Minister of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan is quoted by an online news agency about the scourge of prostitution, as “A lot of these big men go there and they say how they want to feel up these girls because they said they never eat a white meat yet and they pay a lot for the services. So it is all a trade of immorality and it is unhealthy for my country”. This statement is racist and sexist in equally offensive measure and should be retracted immediately and an…

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The plight of workers in Guyana

Dear Editor, Immediately after the No-Confidence Motion (NCM) and the country being under the impression that elections would be held soon, social media started buzzing about the increase of minimum wages by supporters of the ruling coalition. I commented on one politician’s post that the statement is not entirely correct and amongst his reply, he pointed out that I am bitter. As I indicated before, if I am, I have all right to be. I am not one of those hypocrites that would see something wrong and not point it…

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There is need for transparency at GECOM

Dear Editor, Recent public statements from President David Granger as well as representatives of the PNCR, connotes the intention of removing the names of registered citizens from the register of voters in instances where they are not proven dead at the time of the proposed house-to-house registration. It is pellucid and outright unconstitutional that such moves will realise the real disenfranchisement of voters. Is there any merit that because one works or studies abroad that this wicked clan disavow their rights? The belated and unconvincing reactions by GECOM to clarify…

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