If it’s true, the Minister should reinstate the workers and apologise for her actions

Dear Editor, I am emotionally touched to read an article that was published in your daily newspaper, dated, Monday June 03 2019 under the theme’ New Minister sends personnel department, accountant packing’. Editor, in a country where unemployment is over 40 % and is rampant in all administrative regions, it is shocking to know that our honorable minister takes such a drastic step without thinking by removing the daily bread from the tables of those fired employees. Some of them dedicated over 15 years of their lives serving the Government…

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Bias, unethical reporting

Dear Editor, One of the features of our country’s history is the role that the media have played in political developments. From time of the formation of the PPP, the mainstream media have been extremely hostile to it. During the 1950s and 1960s, the media actively promoted racial divisions in our country. That contributed to the racial clashes of the 1960s, something from which we have not fully recovered. The Kaieteur News is continuing that despicable role in today’s Guyana. It lacks ethics and objectivity, and just promotes half-truths and…

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The Granger/ Nagamootoo Administration has proven to be woefully inept

“It’s déjà vu all over again.” Baseball legend Yogi Berra’s creative mangled quote applies perfectly to President Granger’s speech commemorating Independence Day 2019, which promised the future to “youth” and that of the leader of the AFC, Moses Nagamootoo’s recent promise to “think” about the possibility of free tertiary education if re-elected. A politician making an empty promise is certainly not new, however, the sheer audacity of this pair boggles the mind! We have seen this before, in 2015 David Granger, then leader of the opposition, addressed youth organisations and…

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Onlookers should desist from this careless action at crime scenes

Dear Editor, I sat and watched with amazement at the various live feeds of the shootout at Norton Street, Georgetown, between the police and those who are supposedly bandits. Crime has really escalated and incidents must warrant our attention. What is disgusting is to see the scant regard onlookers have for their lives and that of others. This is a norm in Guyana and we must desist from this practice. During the shootout, bullets could be heard being rapidly fired and onlookers and media operatives could be seen heading closer…

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When will Guyana get reliable power supply?

Dear Editor, When the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Guyana Power and Light Inc (GPL) took over, I sent a reaffirming letter complimenting and recognising his efforts. Now, with GPL here in Guyana, there is much cause for concern. Things seems to be going from bad to worse in their hemisphere of the provision of quality and effective power supply to the citizens of Guyana. The constant “blackouts” are a terror to the minds of the Guyanese people. For two successive days there were power outages on the…

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Hope for all Guyanese lies in that equality promised at the ballot box on Election Day

Dear Editor, Recent events in our nation have brought Jean Jacques Rousseau’s famous quote “When the people shall have nothing more to eat, they will eat the rich” sharply to mind, for we are entering that period in our history where it is happening before our eyes. The Guyana of my youth was characterised by friendships that crossed social, ethnic and economic barriers; parents did not interfere with these relationships and being ‘rich’ or ‘poor’ was never an issue, integrity of character was the only benchmark applied. I fear that…

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GECOM is galloping ahead like an unruly horse

Dear Editor, It must by now be excruciatingly clear that the Government-nominated members of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) and the Chairman harbour no qualms about exposing their political partisanship, and are decidedly determined to execute political directions even if it results in unconstitutional and irrational actions. GECOM is a creature of the Constitution, and is legally tethered to the four corners of that instrument; it has no jurisdiction or power to act outside of its parameters. The plain language of the Constitution indisputably establishes that the raison d’être of…

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Granger’s quartet at GECOM have become an international laughing stock

Dear Editor, The negative misguided statements that consistently emerge from key players in the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) have created a fed up environment amongst citizens. It is time President Granger’s quartet recognise that they have become a local and international laughing stock and they must desist from trying to fool this nation. They have been interchangeably using the terms Official List of Voters (OLV) and Official List of Electors (OLE) in statements of convenience in advancing the interest of the APNU/AFC cabal. The proven purpose is an effort to…

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Too many women dying in Guyana due to rising domestic violence

Dear Editor, In response to the domestic violence crisis, The Caribbean Voice beseeches and implores the Government to urgently organise a stakeholders’ focus group to come up with a coherent and concerted action plan for immediate implementation. By stakeholders we mean organisations that are currently directly involved in gender-based activism – not those who say they are but do nothing, not those who talk, talk and talk but do nothing else and not those who engage in photo ops and pageantry but no concrete action. We also urge that politics…

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Violence against women in Guyana has become a runaway train while Govt sleeps

Dear Editor, Even as we agonise over the gruesome murder of Zaila Sugrim by her intimate partner this past weekend, news came out of Essequibo of another woman cruelly stabbed to death by her husband. None of these incidents is the direct fault of the President or his Government. But Violence Against Women (VAW), including Intimate Partner Violence (IPV), has further escalated in Guyana and is getting worse every day. Intimate Partner Violence and deaths are a genuine national crisis, demanding urgent action by the Government. As early as 2006,…

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