Teaching life skills

By Jainarine Deonauth It is a fact that youths today make up the larger part of the population of almost every country in the world. This presents certain challenges for policymakers to develop, implement, and maintain programmes and activities which must be economically and socially oriented to satisfy their (youths’) desires. It is also well known that the absence of well-thought-out programmes with respect to youth development impacts negatively on our young people, and sometimes even lead to them resigning themselves to lawlessness and other anti-social behaviours that are damaging…

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Too much talk and less action

By Jainarine Deonauth Agriculture and agriculture-related issues continue to dominate discussions at the national, regional and international levels. At the just concluded Caricom Heads of Government Meeting in St Lucia, Guyana’s President Donald Ramotar lamented his concerns and disappointment that the region’s leaders seem not to be taking the issue of food security too seriously. At least it doesn’t look that way as there is more ‘talk’ rather action. I believe that it was very necessary that Mr Ramotar raised the issue once again in order to keep it on…

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“People are at the centre of govt’s development agenda”- Minister Ali

By Jainarine Deonauth Minister of Housing and Water, Irfaan Ali told residents gathered at the Region 3 PPP Member of Parliament Office, West Coast of Demerara, last Saturday, that government is committed to working with all vulnerable groups in the society so that everyone will be able to benefit from the development plans and programmes of the administration. The Minister was at the time speaking at the handing over of a wheelchair to a single parent mother who had made a request for help on behalf of her disabled son.…

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A positive international image

By Jainarine Deonauth Our country was relatively unknown years ago, and some persons often mistook Guyana for Ghana, an African country. The name “Guyana” would invoke memories of the mass killings that took place at Jonestown, as that incident, having been given wide publicity by the international media, was the only thing people could connect to our country’s name. In essence, more often than not, the name “Guyana” invoked some negative connotation whenever it was mentioned. However, all this has since changed, and our country is now recognised as a…

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EU commissioner urges urgent action on climate change

By Jainarine Deonauth in Hong Kong Climate change is being featured on the agenda of the 19th Consumer International World Congress, currently being held in Hong Kong, where over seven hundred delegates from more than 60 countries are engaged in discussions and debates on important issues affecting consumers worldwide. Delegates at the 19th Consumer International World Congress, including Jainarine Deonauth, a representative of the Guyana Consumers Association In delivering the keynote address at the official opening ceremony, Connie Hedegaard, EU commissioner for climate action, called on consumers worldwide to take…

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U. S. consumer rights chief elected president of global consumer body

By Jainarine Deonauth in Hong Kong United States Consumer Rights Head Jim Guest was elected president of Consumers International, an organisation that is involved in the fight for consumer rights around the world. Newly-elected president of CI, Jim Guest Guest used the opportunity, after being confirmed as president, to call on the global consumer movement “not to take ‘no’ for an answer”, as he outlined his campaigning vision as the new president of Consumers International (CI). Guest accepted the presidency after an uncontested election at the Consumers International World Congress…

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19th World Consumer Congress opens in Hong Kong

By Jainarine Deonauth in Hong Kong The Hong Kong Convention Centre is the venue for CI’s 19th World Congress Leaders in business, government, civil society and consumer groups from around the world have gathered in Hong Kong for the 19th World Congress, where they will be engaged in four days of debate and discussion on the issues that matter most to consumers. The conference begins on Tuesday, May 3rd at the Hong Kong Conference and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC), and European Union Commissioner for Climate Action, Connie Hedegaard, is expected to…

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Overseas motor racers on a visit to Kaieteur Falls

An important intervention By Jainarine Deonauth About 600 members ofthe Christian, Hindu,Muslim, Rastafarianand Baha’i faiths will soon beequipped with the necessaryknowledge and skills to help inthe fight against the high levelsof domestic violence currentlybeing experienced in society.On a recent visit to NewYork, President Jagdeo hadmet with faith-based leadersand had requested assistancein different areas of nationbuilding. The president hadhinted at Guyana’s moral decline,and had identified somefactors hindering the governmentfrom realizing its nationaldevelopment objectives. ANew York-based team, headedby Dr. Cecil Mercurius, wasthen recruited to work withother local stakeholders inhelping to deal with…

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