“Ramadaan is a time for reflection”

The importance of family cannot be underestimated and stems from its significant role, namely the making of an individual who benefits himself and others. This calls for a much longer, deeper and harder period of training. Taking care of one’s family is an important part of every religious belief since the bond forged by family members runs deeper than any other bond. While everyone takes care of their family in their own unique way, Punadai Ramdass is no different. The mother of three girls does everything in her power to…

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“My Father Introduced Me To Qaseeda,” – Nawaz Khan

Someone once said “Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything.” Fittingly, that quote embodies the drive and passion for spreading music that Nawaz Khan possesses. The fifteen-year-old student of the Al Ghazali Islamic Academy has been singing for over eight years now and is intent on leaving an undeniable legacy. Though still young and untrained, Nawaz’s voice has the ability to move crowds to tears and invoke a sense…

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Growing up without a mother

“WHENEVER I THINK OF HER, I CRY” By Lakhram Bhagirat A mother is quite often compared to the likeliness of God because she, and only she, has the ability to carry her child in her for nine months. She goes through immense pain to bring that child into this world and spends her entire life nurturing that child, preparing that child for the challenges ahead. For many of us, we cannot begin to fathom the thought of growing up without a mother, much less having to live the reality of…

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Mothers Day – a Historic Perspective

Mother’s Day is a holiday honoring motherhood that is observed in different forms throughout the world, and Mother’s Day 2019 occurs on Sunday, May 12. The American incarnation of Mother’s Day was created by Anna Jarvis in 1908 and became an official U.S. holiday in 1914. Jarvis would later denounce the holiday’s commercialisation and spent the latter part of her life trying to remove it from the calendar. While dates and celebrations vary, Mother’s Day traditionally involves presenting moms with flowers, cards and other gifts. History of mother’s day Celebrations…

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Verna Hercules is a SUPER MOM

By Lakhram Bhagirat When life thought it had knocked Verna Hercules down, it was in for a surprise when like a phoenix she rose from the proverbial ashes and began soaring – not because she wanted to, but because she had no other choice since she is both mother and father to her four children. Verna was born and raised in the riverine community of Ibini, Berbice River, but after she got married and had her four children, she moved upriver to the village of Kwakwani so that her children…

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Losing a Child

“I lost part of me when she went to sleep and never woke back up” By Lakhram Bhagirat Loss will always be a part of our existence. It has the ability in wear down even the strongest of us and it also has the ability to catapult the weakest of us into a position of strength. However, there are some losses that are almost impossible to get over. No one knows such grave loss than a mother who has lost a child. The pain of losing a child is something…

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Nazar ‘Shell’ Mohamed

A man who shaped his own destiny American author/philanthropist Tony Robbins once said, “It’s not what’s happening to you now or what has happened in your past that determines who you become. Rather, it’s your decisions about what to focus on, what things mean to you, and what you’re going to do about them that will determine your ultimate destiny.” No one knows more about changing the course of their destiny than Nazar ‘Shell’ Mohamed. Coming from humble beginnings, Mohamed was born on March 27, 1953 to parents Mariam and…

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Chandni Jaimangal

Defying stereotypes in tassa drumming By Rupa Seenaraine When one hears the mention of tassa drummers, their mind immediately rushes to primarily men. It is one of the many stereotypes buried within society, which chooses to hide women from these roles. This is not the same for Chandni Jaimangal, an 18-year-old who is passionate about tassa drumming and plays for one of the most popular groups – the Dynamic Tassa Tro up. During a recent interview with the Sunday Times Magazine, she related that this journey began about one year…

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Greatness lies within Shabika Gajnabi

  By Brandon Corlette At age 18, Guyana’s Under 19 female captain, Shabika Gajnabi remains on the radar for selection in West Indies Women’s team. In 2018, she gained selection in the West Indies Women’s training squad ahead of the Stand-alone ICC Women’s World T20. She continued her outstanding performances at both the junior and senior levels for Guyana and she is in the current training squad that will tour Ireland and England in May/June 2019. Born on July 14, 2000, Shabika Gajnabi hails from the humble village of Chesney…

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Celebrarting 181 Years of Indian Arrival to Guyana

Guyanese, will on Sunday, May 5, 2019 observe East Indian Arrival Day ; an occasion commemorating the 181st anniversary of their arrival, bringing with them their ancient customs, food and culture from India. Under a system of agreement, an order in the Council of Britain was passed on July 12, 1838 making provision for indentured immigrants to travel to Guyana for a term of five years. On January 13, 1838 the Whitby left the shores of India with 249 immigrants on board and arrived in Guyana on the 5th May…

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