…Savitri Ramkishun tells the story of her sons’ determination to be fishermen By Lakhram Bhagirat They were on the Atlantic Ocean drifting for five days and had nothing to eat. Their sink was being baked in the sun. They were dehydrated and forced to drink the salted sea water. They had no food but made meals of dried, uncooked macaroni and sun-baked fish. They called and waved to several passing boats in the open water but no one came to their rescue. They had never experienced such hardship since they…
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“I’m a fisherman since I was 9 years old”
…“Braff” tells his story of hard work, determination and success By Lakhram Bhagirat One thing that is guaranteed in life is the fact that at some point, there is going to be struggles, but how we deal with those struggles is what truly defines us as individuals. The struggles we encounter should not be what defines us, rather we should use those struggles to achieve our end goals. On the paved road, there is always going to be bumps but when we fall, we should get back up, dust off…
Read More” I am art and art is me” – June Ann Henry
By Leah Hernandez The famous American bodybuilder, actor and artist, Kai Greene once said, “In the mind of every artist there is a masterpiece”. Those words are the definition of how truly phenomenal June Ann-Henry is. This 68-year-old mother of four has been an artist for over half of a century and is showing no signs of quitting anytime soon. The multitalented Henry is one to watch as she possesses unique skills not only in artistry but in singing, voice-training and teaching, but more so she dedicates most of her…
Read More“What is Life if You Can’t Dream?”
By Lakhram Bhagirat When it comes to fashion, there is so much one can say but what sums it all up is the fact that fashion is dynamic while style is individual. We are in an era where fashion is limitless, there are no rules that govern what designers put out. We have the old being branded ‘new’ and new as out of the box. However, the local fashion industry is one that lacks the originality of what Guyanese fashion is truly about. On course to change that is 29-year-old…
Read More“It is always worth it in the end”
By Lakhram Bhagirat In order to achieve great things, we have to make immense sacrifices and sometimes those sacrifices would see us losing out on precious moments. In the end, we always ask the question “was it all worth it?” and sometimes the answer surprises us. For 11-year-old Stefani Rafeek, the sacrifices made at an early age were totally worth it. For many children Stefani’s age, their regular day includes lots of leisure time and not so many hours of school and studying. However, Stefani knew she wanted to sacrifice…
Pradesh Dwarka Pradesh Dwarka, a student of CV Nunes Primary School on the Essequibo Coast secured 522 marks at the National Grade Six Assessment (NGSA) examinations and was awarded a spot at Queen’s College in Georgetown. Pradesh, who copped the second spot in Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam), said he was very happy, excited and relieved when he heard the good news. He said he was confident of doing well since he was always consistent…
Read More“I took it easy and it paid off”
“Leading up to the exams was nothing different for me. I used to go to school and come back home, do my chores or use my phone and then take a bath at 6pm (18:00h) and then I would study until 9pm (21:00h), because I used to read my book every day. I did that because I didn’t want to rush into the exam and now the work paid off,” says 12-year-old Jaeden Conway. The School of the Nations Berbice student gained 513 marks at the National Grade Six Assessment…
Read MoreCARICOM YOUTH Ambassador Programme
Sixty-three per cent of CARICOM’s population is young people under thirty years. Their education, entrepreneurship development, safety and security, health and wellbeing; identity and citizenship among others rights and benefits are of utmost concern. More importantly, their full participation as architects and enablers of the Region’s development is a goal that CARICOM continues to strive for. The CARICOM Secretariat, particularly its Youth Programme has been working with Member States, Youth Ambassadors, Community Institutions and other regional and international stakeholders to design, implement and execute programmes and projects to facilitate CARICOM…
Read MoreHealth Benefits of Surya Hamaskara
The daily practice of Surya Namaskar contributes to a healthy, efficient and energetic day. Surya Namaskar, also known as ‘Sun Salutation’ (“salute to the sun”), is a common sequence of asana (yoga postures). It is a combination of 12 physical postures. This sequence of yoga postures originated in India, where its large population has been showing respect to the sun by doing Surya Namaskar, and at the same time benefitting from its effects. Surya Namaskar calms the mind and helps to improve concentration. It is a set of 12 postures,…
Read MoreCARICOM Member states and Associate Members
Twenty countries make up the Caribbean Community (CARICOM). Fifteen are full members and five are Associate Members. The geographical boundaries of the Caribbean Community stretch from The Bahama Islands in the north, southward to Guyana and Suriname – both on the north coast of the South American mainland. They also extend from Belize in the West on the Central American mainland to Barbados – the most easterly of the islands. Suriname defines the eastern boundary of the Community. All CARICOM countries are classified as developing countries. They are all relatively…
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