Courts or streets?

No lawyer Mark Archer, APNU’s communications officer, says he’s lost count of the number of times the AG has resorted to the courts because of the actions of the opposition in the National Assembly. Is Archer missing some fingers? The opposition’s apologist is deliberately playing the fool. The question really is “Why is the opposition so determined to violate the constitution and run roughshod over the executive?” Just because they have a one-seat majority in the Assembly, does the opposition now believe they are greater than the Constitution?” Let Archer…

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More incitement

Honouring criminals Following on the heels of APNU’s Communications Officer, Mark Archer, Morris Wilson, the Buxtonian who financed the monument in honour of “those 452 persons who had perished during the phase of the extra-judicial killings… in the early 2000s”, raked the president over the coals. For what? For calling the Jailbreak 5; the Fineman gang; Skinny Charles etc, “criminals”!! Wilson indignantly wanted to know how those men, “could… be described as criminals, when they were not afforded their respective days in court?” Well this is how Freddie Kissoon, who…

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Base ambition

By any means necessary… Some people set themselves goals that soar; others have goals that are in the gutter. The first we call ‘aspiration’, the second we dub ‘ambition’. Carl Greenidge is an ambitious man. Serving others as a technocrat for 40 years, he nursed his ambitions for the presidency, along with his envy. But first he has to get past David Granger – for the leadership of the PNC. Ever since his ignominious defeat by a man who just entered the PNC formally (compared with his four decades of…

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Laughing stock

Mother of all piffle Rafael Trotman is determined to make the parliament of Guyana into the laughing stock of the Commonwealth. Advised by his own lawyers that the ‘no-confidence’ motion he allowed the Opposition to pass against Minister Rohee was of no effect, he advised them to bring a ‘more specific’ gag order. So said; so done. After the Opposition complied, he exclaimed that the ‘gag motion’ now infringed on a ‘privileged right’ of Rohee: to speak in Parliament! And in an amazing act of contortion he sent the latest…

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Nabobs of Negativity

Opposition’s wilful blindness Some say that that a pessimist is one who sees a cup “half-empty” rather than “half-full”. So what do you call someone who calls the same cup ‘completely empty’? The Guyana Opposition, that’s what. And this is one of the major reasons why politics is so intractably conflictual in our country.  The opposition will just not concede that the government does anything right. Take the IMF which just released one of its periodic reviews of the Guyanese economy. The organisation, as is usual, looked at the macroeconomic…

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Murder of democracy

Pappy show At one point during the last sitting of Parliament, Speaker Trotman was moved to remind his erstwhile co-leader of the AFC, Ramjattan, that they weren’t engaged in a ‘pappy show’. He could’ve certainly fooled us!! Ramjattan had just confirmed he’d threatened to ‘knock off each one of you, one by one’! And then Trotman promptly went on to execute Ramjattan’s threat by gagging Rohee! Only he didn’t call it ‘gagging’ – never mind that Rohee was prevented from kicking off the debate on the Firearms Bill that was…

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Old men’s ramblings

Naga’s folly Nagamootoo should really stop embarrassing himself. It’s pathetic. He wrote a confused letter to the press trying to defend the indefensible – the gagging of Minister Rohee by Speaker Trotman. He should’ve kept his mouth shut (or his fingers free): he wouldn’t have revealed his abysmal shallowness. He began with a pitiable attempt at wit. The PPP, he claimed, “is playing a game of ‘Rohee Roulette’ with the opposition’s no-confidence motion as the single bullet in the chamber to shatter … our fledging parliamentary democracy”. Let us remind…

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In limbo

Still plotting Parliament is supposed to reconvene this Thursday after its unfortunate and precipitate suspension by the Speaker. He’d refused to eject the entire opposition who flagrantly and obstreperously disobeyed his ruling that their no-confidence “motion” on Rohee was so much hot (and putrid) air. Ramjattan, still struggling to reclaim some semblance of authority in the AFC, has been the most strident in this regard as he mimics the PNC. Ahh…politics certainly makes strange bedfellows. They’re responding to a hint the supposedly ‘neutral’ Speaker gave them even as he cut…

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Killing a cat

Barefaced We all know about the Gy$21 billion the opposition hacked off the budget in their spiteful obsession to bring down the government. Their Founder Leader Burnham (and he’s that for the AFC also − don’t for a moment forget Trotman was spawned by the PNC) had ghoulishly advised that there were many ways to kill a cat. You could drown it, you could give it mange, you could slit its throat or you could strangle it: Burnham didn’t leave much to the imagination. The opposition’s budget slashes were intended…

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…bitten by fleas

Lie with dogs… Seems that Carl “Barry” Greenidge is finding out the truth of the proverb: “If you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas.” This is against the background in which the opposition has found its firmest allies in the Muckraker and the Stabber News. They’ve made common cause, of course, because they share common interests: hatred of the PPP government. Seems the Muckraker-in-chief, Kissoon, hit Carl where it hurts most – no, not there: somewhere worse. His ego. Kissoon wrote about a Public Accounts Committee…

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