A Nelson’s Eye

Iniquitous inquiry Even though he betrayed his British military training when he supported Burnham’s call for officers to swear fealty to him (Burnham), David Granger is a military man. He knows about the story (whether apocryphal or not) of Lord Nelson’s blind eye. He knows that “to turn a Nelson’s eye” is to ignore all the evidence of what is clearly before you. And this is what Granger does when, in seeming righteous indignation, he notes the “criminal violence in Guyana during the ‘period of troubles’ on the East Coast…

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Town backras Not even a year has passed since the death of the great iconic artist and sculptor Philip Moore. The same motley crew that is now posturing and protesting about the site of the 1823 Monument had made just as much noise about giving the man a state funeral and constructing a ‘meditation centre’ for him in Georgetown. Never mind that the relatives of the man indicated that the great African visionary had wanted to be interred in his home village of Lancaster on the Corentyne Coast. This newspaper…

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The opposition media

Mouth open Emile Mervin is one of those retired overseas Guyanese with too much time on his hands. He’s sold his soul to the AFC, and obviously from his scribblings, has a pipeline to the thinking of its top leadership.  To keep himself busy he inflicts those interminable and tedious AFC gripes against the government in the spit press. One was tempted to say ‘polemics’ but he goes over the same ground so many times that his drivel becomes a literal vast and bare wasteland. But as we always insist,…

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A lost year

Missed opportunities We’ve made it to the end of the year. That’s not a feat to be scoffed at considering what this nation had to face from the arrogant overreaching of the opposition. The year had started with so much hope. The people had spoken and given the opposition control of the National Assembly and the PPP, control of the executive. You’d have thought it was a golden moment to move from the politics of conflict to the politics of dialogue, wouldn’t you??? The president certainly thought so. In a…

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Historical frauds

Historical frauds We never thought that we’d ever be in agreement with Lincoln Lewis. But how could you disagree with the following assessment over the nasty and opportunistic game the opposition elements are playing with the placement of the 1823 Monument? “…it is disgusting and disturbing that this country is again caught up in racial conflict that has the potential of creating animosity when none ought to exist in the first instance.” The crucial question, of course, is why we have all this storm and fury by WPA elements such…

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Uncouth and louche

Politics trumps all There’s a lot of folks out there muttering ‘why can’t these politicians work together to build our country?’ Especially in this holiday season of (presumably) bonhomie and goodwill. Well, the story of what happened when the government – in an effort to ‘work together’ – invited Opposition Leader David Granger to deliver the ‘charge’ to the latest (and largest) batch of teachers ever graduated from the CPCE, will explain. Now – as everybody who’s been to a graduation from nursery school to medical school would know –…

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Political blindness

AFC’s delusions The AFC, through one of its spokesman, Dominic Gaskin, reviewed his party’s performance (antics?) at a press conference. It tells a lot about the state of our press in Guyana when Gaskin was allowed to get away with the rubbish he spouted. Then again, maybe in this season of goodwill, they cut him a whole lot of slack. Gaskin defined the AFC as “the conscience of the nation”. God help us if this were to be so: we would have about as much conscience as Hitler on Jews.…

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Stewing in envy On the last day before Christmas, Nigel Hughes decided to vent his spleen once again on former President Bharrat Jagdeo. He ranted and raved about ex-President Jagdeo’s house lot.  Poor fellow! He just can’t help it. Like Forbes Burnham, he’d plotted his career trajectory very early on. With the silver spoon pushed into his mouth – unlike Burnham – he’d set his sights even higher. “Senior counsel” was on his “to do” list – way before “President of Guyana”. Jagdeo burst his bubble: no SC for a…

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Political (Im)maturity

Youths astray They say that our future lies in the hands of our youths. If the Youth Coalition for Transformation (YCY) is anything to go by, our future is blighted for sure. Last we heard from these youths (they’re rather loose with the phrase – James Bond’s a youth?? Pleeeease!) they were arguing whether or not they were an arm of APNU. Well, we always said actions speak louder than words. YCT’s the outfit that picketed GECOM bosses’ homes during the poll count – when APNU claimed “skulduggery” was afoot.…

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Christmas Grinches

Civil disobedience Hamilton Green’s a man who can deliver a deeply held anti-government diatribe on any topic faster than the speed of thought. Whatever the subject, we can count on the erstwhile mayor to weigh in – even though his capacity for carelessness with the facts almost amounts to genius. Let’s take the latest tempest in a teacup raised by the owner of the Muckraker, as he pursues his envy-suffused vendetta against Radio 89.5. (He doesn’t seem to realise that he’s giving great publicity to the new station!! Or he’s…

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