
…the Republic Distinguished professor of history Dr Clem Seecharan, in his lecture commemorating our attainment of Republican status, advised we mustn’t sweep the discussion of relations between the different races/ethnic groups under the carpet. We couldn’t agree more. But it’s just as important not to encourage the discussants to gratuitously inject divisive elements into the conversation. We must use the discussion to encourage a common destiny and head off fissioning, such as unfolding in the Ukraine right now. This thought was prompted by a letter from a member of “The…

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Screaming for…

…attention Ever since Christopher Lallbachan-Lalloo “Suspenders” Ram (L.L.S. Ram) was thrown out on his ear by the Stabber News for one of his intemperate outbursts against someone who got in his way, the fella’s been getting shriller and more strident trying to get attention. For people with identity and self-esteem issues, attention is like oxygen – they simply shrivel up and expire if they can’t get enough. And with the issues Lalloo Ram has, he needs a whole lot of oxygen! He probably thought he’d be given a spot on…

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Willful blindness

…of Harris and Muckraker Adam Harris is an old head when it comes to propaganda. He’s been spinning lies for almost half a century now – first for Burnham and the PNC at the Chronicle and then for The Mook over at the MuckrakerKN. But if day in and day out you’re mixing lies and truth, at some point you’ll end up not knowing which the heck is which. Or you end up believing your own BS. Or psychotic (psychosis??). Take Harris’ column in MuckrakerKN. The man bemoaned the murders…

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…youths Back in 2011, London was wracked by riots during which youths looted stores for the fancy clothes and the expensive “gear” they affect nowadays. The Mayor of London blamed it on “people in this city, sadly, who are intent on violence, who are looking for the opportunity to steal and set fire to buildings and create a sense of mayhem, whether they are anarchists or part of organised gangs, or…feral youths.” Now if you’re going to call youths pillaging from stores as acting like animals in the wild…what do…

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To swat

…or not to SWAT The opposition’s opposition to Rohee knows no bounds. That’s the only “reason” we can find for its rejection of the proposal for the Guyana Police Force finally constituting a Special Weapons And Tactics (SWAT) squad. We know it’s irrational…but then again, the opposition parties haven’t exactly distinguished themselves in the rationality sweepstakes, have they? Even Henry Jeffrey, who’s hoping to join them in their “Big Tent”, has had to hold his head in despair. But maybe “likes” and “dislikes” are inherently irrational and APNU/AFC just don’t…

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Season of goodwill?

.. in the capital So here was your Eyewitness all ready for a nice, juicy show-and-tell drama in Parliament, and all that took place was the basic humdrum name-calling and aspersion- casting exercise we call “parliamentary sittings”. We’re referring, of course, to the People’s National Congress (PNC), now A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) faithful, Volda Lawrence, clearing the mud and innuendoes that’ve been cast on her good name. You remember? The poor woman took ill during the previous “sitting”. Now if you’ve ever been exposed to the parliamentary rigmarole…

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Oh, what a tangled web…

.. in AFC In truth, the truth really hurts. Especially when you’ve been caught with your pants down, and more so when you’re holding yourself out as the local George Washington, who never told a lie. Khemraj Ramjattan had displayed his endemic ignorance of parliamentary practice when he accused Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh of misspending monies for public servants’ salaries. Ramjattan, of course, has been assiduously sucking up to public servants since he can’t shake his habit of poaching on A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) turf. So the…

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.. the troops Fresh from their “victory” on the Anti Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AMLCFT) (Amendment) Bill, the opposition parties are determined to press what they see to be their advantage. Never mind the country’s on the verge of an economic shutdown caused by their push for power. It must be they think the coming hardships on the average man-in-the-street will be blamed on the government… and they can milk the frustrations for their political gain. Recent moves by A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) support…

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.. businessman The newspapers yesterday (Wednesday) were chock full of reports on the fellow they unanimously dubbed as going “berserk” on Middle Street, Georgetown. He ended up killing four persons before he was taken out. For good reason. The ancient Norse warriors, who were the original “berserkers”, worked themselves into a state of rage by eating heavily drugged food – then plunging into battle. The man was said to be a miner who was high on cocaine – the drug of choice today – and with no apparent reason killed…

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Fear and…

… the media As a columnist for this newspaper, your Eyewitness doesn’t get the opportunity to interact much with the day to day reporters on the beat. With the recent walkout of three reporters – in fear for their lives if they report on television about the escapades of the MuckrakerKN’s Mohan “Glenn” Lall – we have a most interesting development in the journalistic fraternity. Why is it that none of the reporters are willing to concede their fears in public? They were willing to talk about those fears behind…

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