…or biased in Agri The head of the Agri research unit (NAREI) assured us recently that we shouldn’t worry about going the way of Nigeria, Venezuela and all the other oil producers that allowed their agricultural sector to wither on the vine (pardon the pun!). They then lost “cost and husk” (couldn’t help it!) when the bottom fell out of oil (barrel). The fella seems quite well-meaning, but really, he just exemplifies the truism that the “road to hell is paved with good intentions”. Even the British, by the fag…
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Just a gyaff…
…on gas After he stuck his foot into his mouth by insisting he’d get Exxon to pay up-front for oil to be shipped in the future, Trotman still didn’t accept he knew absolutely zilch about the oil industry. He went on to insist he was going to establish a US$500 million “oil facility” on Crab Island. Once again, he didn’t check with Exxon whether they’d be using such a facility but rushed to take out ads in all the major dailies to tie up the lands around his site. Turned…
Read MoreMinority Report…
…in Procurement Not so long ago, there was a movie, Minority Report, starring Tom Cruise. The futuristic plot centred around three individuals who could “see”, and project on a screen, crimes unfolding just before they were committed. The job of Cruise’s team was to stop the crime in real time before it actually happened. The three clairvoyant individuals’ brains were “wired together” for unanimity, but sometimes the more gifted one would see things a bit differently, and would file a “Minority Report”. Well, in Guyana today, something analogous is…
Read MoreDucking…
…climate reality Well now that Irma tore up the West Indian “Greater Antilles” – especially some outcroppings like Barbuda – are we finally going to get some serious rethinking about the connection between these intensified storms, global warming and our carbon pollution? The short answer is NO!! And why is your usually non-committal Eyewitness being so adamant in his answer? Well just that the real Irma didn’t really hit Florida – just a tired, exhausted version! Now don’t think your Eyewitness WANTED Irma to do more damage… but if it…
Read MoreGetting it right…
…on our history As you, Dear Reader, would know by now, your diligent Eyewitness reads all the dailies. It’s part of his job description. But he takes special care to read the Chronic – since it’s supported by his tax dollars. Well, not TOTALLY…but you know!! And he expects the rag to do the right thing by all of us. So he was more than a bit taken aback when he read its editorial yesterday. (Yes…your Eyewitness has to read even editorials!) The editorial says we should know our history…Now…
Read MoreHunting with the hounds…
…and getting bitten There’s the old English observation about those who want to “run with the hare and hunt with the hounds”. The saying goes back to that quintessentially English sportsmanlike fun activity of having a pack of hounds (beagles) leading a pack of Englishmen to run down a poor hare or rabbit that would be killed and eaten at the end. The moral of the saying, of course, claims there are some who want to have it both ways – but it just can’t be done!! If not for…
Read MoreWhat now…
…with the mess in health? Oh…what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive! And God knows the government’s been doing better than Spiderman with their lies to the Guyanese people from the moment they snuck into office …and gave themselves a 50 per cent raise. They’re not “practicing” any more…APNU/AFC are now experts in the art of deception! It’ll make you dizzy, dear reader, if your Eyewitness were to regale you with even 1/1000 of what they’ve slipped over on us. So let’s just discuss one…
Read MoreMissing the boat…
…on oil local content With every passing day, it’s becoming clearer that the hope of oil solving our underdeveloped woes is growing dimmer. It might soon be “out,” unless the citizens of this country take matters in their own hands. We can’t leave it to their fingers, come elections 2020 – since by then it will be all signed away by Trotman and Co. First was his nonsensical mumblings that the PPP’s 1999 contract couldn’t be renegotiated – even though he’d announced earlier in the day about assembling a…
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…on GECOM Chief? Your Eyewitness has to hand it to Opposition Leader Jagdeo: the fella’s certainly sticking to his constitutional duties on selecting the next GECOM Chairman!! Most others would’ve chucked it in and left it to the courts by now, after the first two lists were submitted and rejected by Pressie for all those reasons which were rejected by the said courts. After all, parsing words like “or” and “is” to reject the meaning of the constitutional clause on criteria for selecting the GECOM Chair – which has been…
Read MoreNot all equal…
…academically Your Eyewitness feels this Lall fella – who keeps pumping out those letters with their convoluted prose – was quite mean-spirited with his backhanded “compliment” to the kid who passed 25 subjects at CSEC!! He at least had the grace to admit his “congratulation” sounded “lame”. So why offer it in the first place? Well, now that Roopnaraine’s banished, Lall’s the flag-bearer of the brigade that insists that kids should be limited in how many CSEC subjects they can write. Lall dubs the ever-increasing number of subjects written an…
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