
…the masses The AFC are struggling to survive, and it ain’t pretty! Like all victims of con men, they’d fallen for the wiles of the PNC-as-APNU because of their greed — their greed for power, their greed for money, their greed for flesh, and their greed, PERIOD! Even though then party leader Khemraj Ramjattan had predicted they’d become “dead meat” if they coalesced with the PNC-as-APNU, their greed made them plunge ahead. They would’ve become “dead meat” because the people who supported them knew that the PNC wasn’t to be…

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…the PhD Ken Danns has thrown his hat into the ring once again. A fella with a decent PhD in Sociology from Stonybrook, NY, back when Burnham was busy constructing his dictatorship and Rodney was undermining him from within, Danns studiously sat on the fence while teaching at UG. He finally jumped off into the PNC camp as a candidate from the “Reform” wing in 2001. He was one of five Guyanese who were brought together by the US military – SOUTHCOM – in 2011, just after the elections of…

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…unbridled power Prezzie’s legal advisor, Solicitor General (SG) of the AG’s Chambers, itself advised by four “old heads”, argued to the High Court that the said court cannot inquire into Prezzie’s act of unilateralism in appointing (Chief?) Justice James Patterson to the GECOM Chair. There used to be FIVE old heads, one being the said James Patterson, who’s presumably resigned and won’t be offering advice henceforth. Scout’s and Judge’s honour!! There is, of course, the conflict of interest, if (Chief?) Justice Patterson was one of those who’d initially advised Prezzie…

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…and disorder in the House The PPP outfoxed the PNC once again in the National Assembly — which had become “Parliament” with the presence of Prezzie — by using the classic manoeuvre of “misdirection”. They signalled they were going to launch a campaign of “non-cooperation” against the PNC-led coalition Government on account of Prezzie’s unilateral appointment of (acting Chief?) Justice Patterson as the Chair of GECOM. In the past, Jagdeo and his MPs would normally exit Parliament when Prezzie gave his “throne speech” – and the PNC obviously thought this…

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…excusing the GECOM Chair As your Eyewitness has been saying, the one silver lining in this dark cloud of Prezzie’s unilateral appointment of (Chief?) Justice Patterson has been to suss out those who’ve been playing the one-love game, even as they pushed their agenda. Now, don’t get your Eyewitness wrong, he has absolutely no problem with any kind of agenda; his problem is with those who aren’t straight up about it — and in the process, bend a lot of naïve minds! Take Rear Admiral Gary Best, who everyone thought…

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Orwellian world…

…in Guyana Our European colonial masters introduced us to the notion of “sovereignty”, which describes where in the polity POWER should reside. Around the time, they “discovered” us (evidently, we’d been lost or misplaced!), sovereignty was defined as residing in the Monarch. He’d been decreed by God to rule and his orders were to be obeyed to the “T”! If you dared disobey, it was” “Off with his head!!” But a strange thing happened over the next few centuries. Ordinary Europeans – especially the ones exploiting the “colonies” – outside…

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…by Prezzie Prezzie’s unilateral choice of Justice Patterson as GECOM Chair business isn’t only working like a Rorschach Test to uncover the mindset of Guyanese society as a whole, it’s also producing epiphanies for the political players. Take Prezzie’s pronouncement on Jagdeo’s third list: “I realised at that stage that after the submission of three lists that there was an intention on the part of the Leader of the Opposition to submit a list that is not going to be acceptable.” Really?? If this isn’t an epiphany rivalling the one…

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The maximum leader…

…doesn’t have to explain Asked about why he didn’t tell Burnham he disagreed with one of the latter’s decisions, Hamilton Green replied wryly, “Who could tell Burnham anything once he made up his mind?” And that’s precisely the reason Guyana’s on the brink of another dictatorship right now. Burnham set the mould for those who’d want to follow in his footsteps – such as Prezzie who promised to do just that. Burnham didn’t give a hoot as to the consequences of his decisions for Guyana. Asked in a documentary whether…

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Signed, sealed, delivered…

…by the military Your Eyewitness has had over two years to look closely at the military mindset at work when running a State. And, dear reader, let’s not kid ourselves – this has been a military Government from day one. Your Eyewitness had predicted this happenstance since the APNU/AFC campaign unfolded. If it barks like the army, orders like the army and salutes like the army, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to conclude it’s a goddamn army in command!! So what was different with the GECOM decision from events…

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The law is not an ass…

…on GECOM Chair Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo became a lawyer is his old age, and maybe should be excused for deliberately ignoring its nuances. After all, at that age, the choice of such training could’ve only been an expedient decision to burnish his credentials to become President of Guyana. He’d abandoned his position as Minister of Information under Jagan when he made that decision to enter law school as a big, old man! That the very best he achieved under the PNC-led APNU/AFC government was Information Minister — after all…

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