…and Berbice votes Now that the dust may be settling over the proposed toll increases for the Berbice River Bridge crossing by the BBCI, maybe we can begin to see a way out of the miasma. But even before we get to that we’ve got to clear up some misconceptions on the financing and control of the Bridge. These have been thrown around in the past and may clouding some folks’ judgement. For those of us who aren’t in the finance world, it might be useful to remember it’s the…
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Trumped up…
…charges by Nagamootoo It’s obvious Moses Nagamootoo’s lost whatever journalistic integrity Janet Jagan might have drilled into him when he’d served under her at the Mirror for donkey years. He’s now been reduced to a journeyman hack-apologist for the PNC Government he boasts he helped put into power. In his latest column in the Chronic, “TRUST AND THE TANGLED TIMES”, he predictably took the opportunity (created by him awarding himself a column while he yanked those of David Hinds and Lincoln Lewis!) to throw shade at Bharrat Jagdeo! This time,…
Read MoreUnfit and imprappa…
…AFC Dead Meat The AFC are running on their own in the LGE, after they were rebuffed by the APNU…or more specifically, the PNC. They’d demanded the same 40 per cent of offices they’d demanded in Cabinet appointments before the 2015 General Elections, when they promised to bring their 11 per cent support into the APNU/AFC coalition platform. The PNC said, “No way Jose!!”, or more pointedly, “Go show us what you have, losers!!” Point of the matter is, the AFC never did bring in their promised 11 per cent…
Read MoreFiring a shot…
…at the teaching profession Friday was “International Teachers Day”. Since 1994, the UN has saluted them by, first of all, declaring that “Day”, and secondly to offer an annual theme to remind the world, but especially governments, as to the importance of the profession. This year, the theme is: “The right to education means the right to a qualified teacher.” Last year it was “Teaching in Freedom, Empowering Teachers”, which had followed “Valuing Teachers, Improving their Status”. You get the idea? Teachers are crucial in our modern world. Used to…
Read MoreThe name is…
…“Bond”, not “Loan” This story on the “Bond” issued by the SPU for GuySuCo is getting “curiouser and curiouser”. If it weren’t for the tragedy of 7000 fired sugar workers and their families going starving in the streets, your Eyewitness would swear the “Mad Hatter” would be making his appearance any minute!! But then it could be the Mad Hatter has taken the form of the SPU’s Heath-London, since the latter insists on making the same kind of short, nonsensical remarks and riddles as the former! Facing sharp criticisms from…
Read MoreEarning…
…Nagga’s keep Nagamootoo’s sure been singing a lot recently in his Chronic column; but then his “supper” — starting with his super salary, SUVs with outriders, foreign travel etc — demands commensurate singing!! But in his latest, claiming the PPP “has resorted to old political tricks and terror tactics” in Berbice during the ongoing LGE campaign, he’s oblivious that he’s revealing what an old fake he is. He had the gall to write, “Sita (his wife, also called “Mary”) and I received in the prime minister’s YARD several persons from…
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…high on sugar workers’ blood The sordid story of this PNC-led Government’s slow strangulation of the sugar industry and its workers continues to reveal levels of depravity that just boggles the mind. But then it’s said, “man’s inhumanity to man knows no bounds”. The latest episode in this serial, which began in December 2016 with the closing of Wales Estate, illustrates the sick mindset behind the tragedy. Over in Skeldon last week, workers who’d been fired over a year ago were marching in the brutal sun to protest the remainder…
Read MoreDigging…
…the credit hole When then President, Jagdeo had visited Kuwait and some other countries in the Middle East, back in 2010, to secure development funding – and this was in the pre-oil era, mind you. The PNC and AFC screamed hysterically that he was being adventurous. The AFC shrieked, “We warn that the high wire act being performed by Mr Jagdeo could lead to our becoming embroiled in a dangerous game being played out in a larger arena, and one in which we could find ourselves impaled on the horns…
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…versus thrust in politics For sure, EB John, that old HR specialist out of Bookers isn’t anti-government. So one would hope they’d give a hearing to the homilies he delivers ever so often in the letters pages. His latest one was on the importance of “trust” between individuals and institutions for effective performance. It was very timely since he took pains to mention the lack of trust between citizens and government. Against a background of heightened concerns from a fuming populace of repeating Burnham’s saddling the country with unsustainable debt,…
Read MoreCussing…
…and reporting All Guyana’s all agog over the video of a lawyer “cussing out” a traffic cop who stopped his car and demanded he produce his driving licence. Now, every Guyanese who’s driven a vehicle on our roads would’ve experienced this arbitrary “stop and demand” by traffic Police. And felt their bile (and rage) boil up in their throats as they realise it’s nothing more than a shakedown for a “raise”. That they could be hauled to the Police station and forced to endure sitting for hours on the station…
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