This confounded nonsense…

  …by PNC must stop How much more shame and embarrassment must this PNC government and its myrmidons be allowed to bring upon the Guyanese people? When are we going to stand up and say, “No more!!”? Your Eyewitness, of course, is referring to the CCJ’s “post-judgement hearing” that was held on Monday – when the eminent justices had to literally roll their eyes at the submissions of the “government side” as to what consequential orders ought to be issued. Mendez for the Opposition side was extremely succinct: just follow…

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Picking sense…

…from PNC’s nonsense Your Eyewitness still can’t get over the PNC’s barefacedness on our Constitution over the consequences of the NCM. And it’s not that they didn’t know beforehand about those consequences. After the 2011 elections the PNC and AFC had those same 33 seats they got in 2015 – which constituted a parliamentary majority. It’s only because our Constitution doesn’t allow a coalition AFTER the elections, that they weren’t allowed to name the President and form the Government!! So lo and behold, in 2014, Moses Nagamootoo of the AFC…

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PNC’s cynicism on the Constitution

As was highlighted by the shenanigans committed by Moses Nagamootoo and his lackeys before the AFC’s Convention, one of the sad features of political life is the level of cynicism attending our politicians. There is no question that there is much to justify this cynicism. When bands of people, unconcerned about the people who elected them to office, are typified by greed, avarice, and mind-boggling incompetence, what is the average citizen to think? If Guyana is ever to unearth leaders who would work for the nation — rather than for…

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Judgement Day!!

…for the PNC Old people say, “Moon a run ‘till day ketch am”! And even though the PNC ain’t no moon, a very wise man once moved the sentiment into the realm of human action: “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice”. And justice was delivered to the PPP by the full panel of the CCJ yesterday in the matter of the blatant traducing of the Constitution by the Granger-led PNC in their desperate bid to hold on to power at all costs. The…

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Snake oil salesman…

…in sugar industry The “snake oil salesman” is an American trope describing those conmen who prey on the afflicted gullible by insisting their snake oil will cure everything. President Granger typifies the species in the political realm with his unctuous and ingratiating style, in which he never fails to have a plaster for every sore. Problem is, some desperate citizens, faced with the mountain of problems they face daily, listen to him and sometimes forget it was he who created the problems in the first place. Remember that promise to…

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…of Ghana In addition to our similar-sounding name, we’ve got so many things in common with Ghana – whose President is visiting – you’d think we’re “doppelgangers” – you know, real-life doubles. As your Eyewitness mentioned yesterday, the resemblance goes as old and deep as our geological formation, 140 million years ago – including giving us oil today. During the colonial period, Ghana was known as the “Gold Coast” and we were the “Mosquito Coast” – but with El Dorado in our interior!! Starting with Cuffy/Kofi/Coffy, our 1763 revolutionary slave,…

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…Working Girls’ Day Bet you didn’t know that Sunday, June 2nd, was “International Whores Day”, or (more leftist!) “International Sex Workers Day”. And that’s too bad. In an age when the British and Canadian Consulates can join our LBTQ community and march through the streets of Georgetown to push “Gay Pride”, we still have a whole community of folks who are stigmatised for EARNING a living!! Now, sex work didn’t just pop up, did it? Selling one’s body (or various parts of it) for sex – dubbed “prostitution” – is…

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Snake oil salesman…

…in the Presidency Here we go again!! It’s clear that President Granger is a devout practitioner of the advice given by WC Fields: “If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit!!” And in this he’s following in the footsteps of that other snake-oil salesman, Forbes Burnham. But that shouldn’t surprise us, should it? He’s publicly sworn to “complete the legacy” of his mentor Burnham. Take his promise a few days ago on housing: “I would like to leave office where there is not a single homeless Guyanese.…

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Cutting Guyana’s nose…

…to spite PPP’s (sugar) face With every passing day, the PNC’s vindictive nature is exposed with their no-holds-barred efforts to destroy the PPP’s electoral base. Back in the day when the PNC of Burnham had discriminated against PPP supporters at every step of the way in the new co-operative dispensation of 80% of the economy being nationalised, Jagan had accused the PNC of “racial discrimination”. Burnham laughed and said, “it’s just political, comrade!” Once again, the PNC’s moves in the sugar belt – the bastion of the PPP’s strength –…

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…and constitutional B.S. When the AFC were in the Opposition, their “big Issue” was “constitutional change”. They pointed out all sorts of democratic “inconsistencies” in what remained essentially Burnham’s 1980 Constitution, which had been customised to satisfy his megalomaniacal, dictatorial compulsions. In the Manifesto crafted with APNU after they became joined at the hip was the promise under the heading “priority Areas to be addressed”: “The introduction of a meaningful Constitutional Reform Programme geared towards improved governance and fair representation”. So what happened during the following four years, since we…

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