Carl now into “Stand-up Comedy!”

Somehow, despite de serious implication of de happenings in Parliament, humour coming out steady. It ain’t only gat fuh do with de “presentation” of a certain MP who daddy own a TV station. People does call de MP “presentation”, “Stand Up Comedy” and he father show, “Comedy Non Stop”. People seh is another example of de “chip not being far from de block” and point out that de “comedy” is fuh “stress relief!” Is de same way Carl doing he own version of “comedy” fuh help relieve de tension in de House. As de debates about de budget continue, Carl pilot a motion fuh de Judiciary not to be under any budget agency so it could be independent.

He also seh de separation of powers is de pillar of “rule of law” and that operatives in de system might feel compromise, knowing that money coming from a government budget agency! Well, that is where de comedy is. People laff hearty and ask when was de Judiciary independent under de Coconut Tree party that Carl was minister in! Dem want fuh know how come Carl and he “comrades” didn’t talk about separating powers then! Dem also asking how come during all of de 28 year (mis) rule of de Coconut Tree party, Carl and some of he same “comrades”, who now sit with he in de House, didn’t seh then that de operatives might have felt compromise knowing fully well that de government was providing all de money!

People ain’t forget how de Coconut Tree party control everything then just fuh keep it in office. Word is that de current operatives teking umbrage at Carl fuh suggesting that dem might compromise. Dem sehin that is a attack pun dem integrity! De same State media that Carl and he opposition pals vote fuh cut de budget, was de same state media that promote de Coconut Tree party and it government then! Why he didn’t ask fuh reform then? This is de same Carl who now driving a fancy expensive Porsche while accusing officials of extravagance! Given Carl “presentations” he might be challenging Chris Rock and would end up pun de MP father TV fuh more “Comedy Non Stop!’ If Carl get he way, some workers might be hitting rock bottom! Ting-a-ling-a-ling…Friend tell friend…mattie tell mattie!

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