Caricom urges end to Mideast violence

At their just-concluded summit in Grenada, Caribbean Community (Caricom) leaders called for peace in the Middle East and North Africa, in the wake of a wave of anti-regime uprising sweeping the Arab world.

“The community calls for an immediate end to the violence, and looks forward to a resolution of the situation through dialogue and actions which would allow the free exercise of the fundamental human rights by the people of that region,” the leaders said in a statement.

Regional heads said they have observed, with grave concern, the recent developments which have been sparked by the desire of the people of that region for change. Human rights groups say dozens of people have been killed in Libya since the start of protests there.

The Caricom leaders’ statement expressed deep regret at the loss of life during the peaceful demonstrations.

“The Caribbean Community promotes and encourages the adherence to democratic principles, good governance, the rule of law, and the protection of human rights. The community reiterates its endorsement of the principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, and therefore condemns the use of violence against people who are protesting peacefully.”

They added that the deep desire of the people of that region to have greater political and economic involvement in their countries’ futures is evident through their sustained peaceful protests. (CMC)

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