CaribCan representatives meet on new trade agreement

By North American Correspondent

Natasha Mustapha-Scott, CEO, T&T Manufacturers’ Association

Caricom and Canadian Trade representatives recently met for their fourth round of discussions to conclude a new trade and investment agreement with the aim of replacing the existing Caribcan Agreement which expires this year end.

About 100 private sector and other officials from the Caricom region met with their Canadian counterparts in November in Toronto to examine trade related issues between the two sides.

Minister of State for the Americas and Consular Affairs in the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Diane Ablonczy, congratulated forum organizers for bringing together a wide cross-section of representatives from the corporate community to meet on these important issues. Ablonczy noted that there is a growing excitement about the Caribbean-Canada partnership.

Chief Executive Officer of the Trinidad & Tobago Manufacturers’ Association and Director of Caribbean Export Development Agency and Business Development Company in T&T, Natasha Mustapha-Scott was relatively optimistic about the talks. She said Canada has a lot to offer the Caribbean and expressed optimism about the way forward.

Rabinder Rambarran, Executive Director of the Private Sector Commission of Guyana.

Executive Director of the Private Sector Commission of Guyana Rabinder Rambarran, noted there are lots of opportunities for Caricom producers to get involved in areas of agriculture exports. He said there are many export opportunities for pawpaw, water melon and mango production. He suggested selecting four or five products and work with them to build up the volume so there will be a continuous supply chain.

Rambarran identified the possibility of Canadian businesses working with their Caribbean counterparts to be greater producers of food for the region.

Participants said the meeting was productive and provided an opportunity for representatives to meet as a group and discuss matters of concerns to both sides with the aim being to improve trade between Canada and the Caribbean.

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