Caretaker Govt illegal in a matter of days

Dear Editor,
Concerning GECOM, I have some questions. Whatever happened to the fraud investigation of buying expensive pliers and non-functioning radios?
Will there be any inquiry why the Chief Officer and Secretariat did not do any work on election preparation, although the PNC was defeated since December 2018, and they said they could be ready for election in 3 months. For the elections, follow the GPS principle of driving – do you want the fastest route, shortest route, and do you want to avoid toll routes. We have a constitutional deadline to meet! (Imagine how many roads we could have fixed and electricity improved with the many billions spent on new unneeded registration!).
Will the new Chair look into diversity in hiring and the denial of a job to former deputy chief Elections Officer, Mr Vishnu, although he was the most qualified and experienced and highest scoring?
Obviously, the Secretariat staff (lacking in diversity) seems to be cooperating well with the PNC agenda of dragging it out. Will the new GECOM Chair put an end to all these shenanigans and follow the constitutional timeline?
From news reports, you get the feeling that Alexander is running things at GECOM. Will the Chair, please step up and clamp down on the trampling of the constitution. You can’t choose an elaborate, unnecessary process over more efficient means to meet urgent constitutional requirements. That is simply wicked. In a week’s time, the caretaker government becomes illegal.

Jerry Singh

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