Canal Number Two Polder group treats 350 less fortunate persons

More than 350 elderly and differently-able citizens were on Sunday treated as part of the Canal Number Two Polder senior citizens group’s annual Christmas party held at the Kawall Primary School.

The participants were drawn from the community, and enjoyed themselves in the merry party atmosphere.  As is customary, the group handed over gifts, food hampers, money, and vitamins to each of the participants. 

In an interview, committee member Ramnarain Ramroop disclosed that the first party, held in the 1970s, was to honour the senior citizens for their contributions to society. At present, contributions are received from local, Canadian and U.S.-based Guyanese to host the party. Ramroop said he is happy that the event has been resuscitated and more persons are involved in spreading cheer to the persons who were once actively involved in building Guyana. 

The organiser of the event, Harrinarine, noted that, while the global recession has limited the financial contributions of some overseas group members, their local counterparts have made up for that. Among the contributors this year are the Paul’s Mufflers and Motor Spares company. 

Meanwhile, three pupils who performed exceptionally well at the National Grade Six Assessment were awarded with trophies from the motor spares company. The pupils were drawn from the Kawall and Endeavour primary schools. Jaipaul Bharat, owner of Paul’s Mufflers, said he contributed to the party especially in honour of the three top NGSA students, because he is a past pupil of Kawall Primary School. He added that he believes in charity, and that is something he inherited from his late mother who used to donate items to the persons living in the estate logies.  He added that academic achievement was something that every child should aspire to have.


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