Canadian journalist wins CTO award for photo taken in Guyana

The Caribbean Tourism Organisa-tion (CTO) has honoured veteran Canadian travel journalist Theresa Storm with an award for excellence in photography.

The award was for the best photograph published in conjunction with a feature article in a Canadian publication in 2010. It was the sole photography award announced during the media awards luncheon held on December 8, as part of Caribbean Week festivities in Toronto.

Caribbean Tourism Organisation Secretary General, Hugh Riley presents the award to Theresa Storm

Storm took the photo in Guyana, South America (part of the CTO), on a fall 2009 trip organised by the Guyana Sustainable Tourism Initiative (GSTI), a joint initiative of the Guyana Tourism Authority and USAID-Guyana Trade and Investment Support (GTIS) programme. Judy Karwacki of Small Planet Consulting was acting as the director of tourism for the GSTI at the time and invited Storm to join the group.

Storm’s photo and feature article, “Where Mother Nature still reigns supreme,” was originally published in the Calgary Herald, and subsequently by the Montreal Gazette, Vancouver Sun, Windsor Star, Dawson Creek Daily News, The Times -Transcript, Delta Optimist, and

Storm’s image captures the essence of the unique and authentic nature and cultural experiences Guyana offers. It features Diane McTurk, charming owner of Karanambu Lodge, playing in the Rupununi River with Buddy, a blind giant river otter orphan. McTurk is renowned for her life’s work rescuing and rehabilitating endangered giant river otters.

At the awards ceremony, Sylma Brown Bramble, the CTO’s director of marketing for the Americas, said, “The winners were recognised for their contributions to Caribbean storytelling, as their articles evoked and brought to life highlights of the Caribbean to their readers”.

This is the fourth award Storm has received from the CTO. Previous awards include best online article in North America and twice Canadian travel writer of the year. Storm’s other Caribbean honours include excellence in Caribbean travel writing from the Travel Media Association of Canada.

Upon hearing of the award, Eric Kite, USAID Guyana acting mission director, said, “USAID Guyana would like to congratulate Theresa Storm on winning the CTO’s 2011 Caribbean Media Award for Best Photograph in Conjunction with a Feature Article. We are proud that USAID Guyana’s sponsorship of ecotourism allows skilled journalists like Theresa to introduce the incredible beauty of Guyana to the world”.

Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA) Director Indranauth Haralsingh added, “The Guyana Tourism Authority would like to congratulate Ms Theresa Storm on winning this prestigious award. The photo captures the bond between Diane and otters at Karanambu – a haven for wildlife. Her winning photo will help to showcase and promote Karanambu and Guyana as an untamed wild life destination”.

Other generous contributions to support the familarisation trip came from Wilderness Explorers, Trans Guyana Airways, Cara Lodge, Grand Coastal Inn, Guyana Pegasus, Baganara Island Resort, Surama Eco-Lodge, Iwokrama International Centre, Atta Rainforest Lodge, Rock View Lodge, Karanambu Lodge, Community and Tourism Services (CATS), Caiman House at Yupukari village and Fair View and Aranaputa villages.

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