Canadian ambassador to Caricom reaffirms security and trade commitments

Newly-accredited Canadian Ambassador to Caricom, David Devine, reinforced Canada’s security commitments to the Caribbean region at his swearing-in on Thursday, September 29.

Ambassador Devine noted Canada’s “strong interest” in taking necessary measures to ensure security across the Caribbean region.

Through the Anti- Crime Capacity Building Programme, or ACCBP, Canada will work alongside Caricom in addressing the issues regarding human and drug trafficking. Other areas of focus will be on the necessary reforms to the police and judicial system.

Ambassador Devine also pointed out Canada’s commitment to the eradication of violent organised crime within Guyana.

In his address, Ambassador Devine recommitted Canada’s ten-year development cooperation package announced by Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper in 2007.

The commitment package is valued at Cdn$600 million.

Trade and investment opportunities across the Caribbean, including Guyana, were main topics discussed by the newly-accredited ambassador.

He stated: “We (Canada and Guyana) will continue to build on the historical, friendly partnership that our countries have sustained in both the economic as well as political and security arenas. Increased security is vital to the CARIBCAN trade agreement”.

In touching on the future of CARIBCAN, the ambassador alluded to the fact that the “cordial spirit that has characterised negotiations” will lead to an agreement which will eventually replace CARIBCAN. Ambassador Devine had praise for how well the Caricom-Canada Trade and Development Agreement talks went in the third round of discussions.

He wished to convey Canada’s desire to resolve “this major regional issue.” The ambassador went on to pinpoint the overall goal as to expand trade links between Canada, Guyana and the overall Caribbean region. Cooperation would lead to “mutual prosperity of our countries,” ambassador Devine stated.

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