Can Granger say who are the criminals

Dear Editor,

I read an article in another section of the media on November 18 under the headline, “National Unity Gov’t would not include persons guilty of wrongdoing – Granger”.

Mr Granger, Leader of the Opposition, said in the article that “if he is elected the next President of Guyana he will not allow suspected criminals associated with the incumbent People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) to be part of his administration”.

Firstly, let me inform Granger that he is correct to have used the word “if”, since his People’s National Congress (PNC)/A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) party will receive a sound trashing at the next General and Regional Elections by the PPP/C led by President Donald Ramotar. This time by an overwhelming majority.

I only hope therefore that Granger did not get swell-headed at the PNC-Alliance For Change (AFC) coalition “rally” at the square of the revolution on November 14, and when faced with a massive electoral defeat, he will resort to post elections disturbances just to cover his shame.

In the article, Granger had nothing complimentary to say about former President Bharrat Jagdeo and Minister of Finance Dr Ashni Singh, two prominent patriots who continue to make the Guyanese people proud as a result of their hard work.

Just to remind Granger that Mr Jagdeo continues to be nationally and internationally recognized, having formulated and launched Guyana’s Low-Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS), which immensely boosted Guyana’s international profile as a developing country in the forefront in the fight against global climate change.

And as a result of Guyana’s LCDS in partnership with Norway, millions of US dollars are currently provided toward the implementations of LCDS projects for Guyana’s social and economic development.

Mr Jagdeo was appointed the Champion of the Earth by the United Nations and continues to receive international appointments based on his dynamic leadership on climate change. He has received four honorary doctorates from international universities. Is this the reason why the former President is not liked by Granger and his Opposition cabal?

The Minister of Finance continues to competently and successfully manage Guyana’s economy ensuring the continued good health of our national Treasury. Dr Singh was also constitutionally and judicially in order when he restored funds cut from the 2014 National Budget by the combined parliamentary Opposition from the Consolidated Fund.

And now the PNC/APNU and AFC badly want to be the watchdogs of Guyana’s Treasury which had nothing left inside when the PPP/C took over from the illegal PNC regime in 1992.

Can Granger say in this regard who are the criminals?

 Yours sincerely,

Peter Persaud

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