Calm before (next) storm

Oppose and depose

It’s when a rat’s cornered, it’s most dangerous. It’ll strike at anything in its frustration. It’s the same with political parties. The recent ignominious humiliations inflicted on the opposition AFC hit them where it hurts most – loss of credibility with their constituents. Expect them to hit back soon – and viciously. Completely unconcerned about the damage to the society and relations between the people of this country.
When hit by APNU’s re-capture of the votes they’d filched in 2006, they were quiet and bided their time. The moment APNU acted maturely and showed that it was willing to negotiate as tough as nails for those constituents – AFC hit. They precipitated the Linden mayhem. Three human lives snuffed out; Gy$2 billion in torched buildings and infrastructure.
The interior communities starved and squeezed by the blockade; businesses, including Bosai, forced to shut down. The AFC leaders can jump up and down like fowlcocks, but it won’t alter the fact that Linen’s progress has been set back for another decade. Nigel Hughes might think he’s being clever to jet off for diaspora money in the company of Aubrey Norton and Sharma Solomon. But APNU cannot be oblivious to their maneuverings and plotting.
During the calm, while the Commission was Inquiring into the Linden shootings, the AFC hit back once again with their 48-hour ultimatum for the firing of Rohee. Then they plunged the country into the mass trauma of Agricola.
They soon realised the damage they’d inflicted on their image (witness their frenetic utterances and excuses) – and most importantly their vanishing support base. The utter humiliation of their chairman, Nigel Hughes – he seemed to be suffering PTSD after his encounter with Hicken!! – was the straw that broke the donkey’s back. Not being a party of principles (founded by two men who just couldn’t make it to the top of the PNC and PPP), don’t ever expect them to do the right thing.
Which would be to reflect on the folly of their ways and repent. An apology to the Guyanese people for all the mental and physical suffering they brought onto innocent people, wouldn’t hurt. But don’t hold your breath: just expect their next explosion!

Covering tracks
Have you noticed that Khemraj Ramjattan, the erstwhile leader of the AFC, has gone eerily quiet in the last few months? We know he won’t be the next presidential candidate because of the Faustian bargain he struck with Trotman. But his pal Moses “shut-yuh-so-an-so-mout” Nagamootoo seems to have slid into the # 2 spot below Hughes.
Yesterday, the opposition media published an apologetic letter from Nagamootoo (who signed himself as “Vice Chairman of AFC) desperately trying to explain away the stain of Agricola from their brow. The man (Is he the propaganda chief because of his old journalist job? What happened to Cathy?) incredibly strung together some self-serving e-mails he and his buddies exchanged during the Agricola mayhem.
Does he take the Guyanese people for idiots? First of all, how do we know these are all the e-mails exchanged?? Will he allow a forensic check of his hard drive? How come there are no e-mails from Ramsaroop who lives right over in Alexander Village? Secondly, if Rodney didn’t even tell his top execs in WPA he was planning revolution, why would Hughes (who Kissoon assures us is the incarnation of Rodney) act any differently?

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