Call Centre targets 20,000 jobs in 5 years

Teleperformance, an international Call-Centre hub, intends to employ some 20,000 persons in Guyana within the next five years. Presently, the Centre which is housed in downtown Georgetown, has hired just under 600 Guyanese, who are valued for their fluency in English.
Those disclosures were made by Boris Espinel, and Fernando Victoria, the Bogota-based CEO and Legal/Compliance Director respectively of Teleperformance during a courtesy call, Wednesday September 5, on Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo who was, at the time, performing the functions of President, the Department of Public Information (DPI) has reported.
The Call Centre officials stated that by next year Teleperformance hopes to employ some 5000 persons for its Guyana operations.
Teleperformance, according to Espinel, is French-owned company which is operating in 72 countries with more than 300,000 employees worldwide. It provides services for several Fortune 500 companies, including Target and UPS.
Prime Minister Nagamootoo thanked the officials for their appreciation of the language skills of their local employees, and also for their confidence in Guyana, the only English-speaking country in South America. He expressed the hope that the company would award certificates to the many young Call Centre operators after an initial period of training, in order to make them marketable in the growing international digital industry.

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