CACCI hosts Small business workshop

By Natasha Waldron Anthony

CACCI Members and Small Business owners at the workshop

The Caribbean American Chamber of Commerce and Industries, Inc. (CACCI) believes that networking among the business community can produce good results. In this regard, the chamber continues to promote growth among small businesses through the New York City Department of Small Business Services-sponsored workshops. During its recent small business workshop, held under the banner “Managing your business in today’s economy,” some 50 participants learnt how to access small business financing, establish and grow their businesses, and finance their business needs.

CACCI President Dr. Roy Hastick addressed the participants. He highlighted that while information is power, sharing information is empowerment, and this is what the organisation has been doing for 25 years. He added that CACCI has been helping people to “navigate their way through the city resources that are there for them to hit the road running and come out successful.”

He contends that while we are facing some challenging times in terms of the economy, small businesses are the backbone of any economy. “Small business owners play a very important role in the development of any city, state, country. So that is why we are focusing on small business development within the diaspora; so that, by them empowering themselves, they will be able to empower their counterparts overseas” he added.

Many of these businesses that are experiencing hardship as a result of the recession are being asked to tap into the resources to which CACCI can navigate them. Dr Hastick says CACCI will maintain contact with the participating businesses after the workshop has ended, to make a progress assessment and encourage them to network with the chamber.

The workshop, held at the Flatbush Caton Market in Brooklyn New York, saw participation of entrepreneurs in the financial and real estate sectors and small-scale manufacturers. CACCI has conducted more than 1,500 small business sessions since its inception in 1985.

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