The Caribbean American Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Inc (CACCI) continues to focus on building partnership with the Caribbean region to assist in enhancing the economies of those Caribbean states.
Dr. Roy Hastick, CACCI President
Dr. Roy Hastick, CACCI’s president and founder said that while he is cognizant of the Caricom Heads’ focus on immigration and crime whenever they visit New York, he feels the emphasis should also be placed on investment, trade and tourism – three pillars on which the CACCI Caribbean Trade Center, when constructed, will be geared towards facilitating.
New York City and State possess billions of dollars in the pension funds which, Hastick says, can be utilized through investments in the Caribbean, of course with proper proposals and planning.
Included in a 6-pointer draft CACCI/Caribbean initiative proposal, the chamber has outlined the study of the Caribbean Investment Fund (CIF) which is currently being discussed, and once there is agreement to implement this fund, CACCI would assist in its implementation through the use of the New York State and NYC Pension Funds.
The draft proposal also focuses on organizing a ‘Project of the Year’ in Caribbean that is identified by a regional government. Hastick said: “I’m sure that in various Caribbean islands, in rural areas, there might be a need for a health centre, library, recreational centre, a school to be built in those areas and I’m sure if they get the proper proposals I think they will — some of them will be able to assist, if not fully contribute, but also having a plan to raise funds to help out with these projects.”
Mr Hastick feels that rather than approach other nations for financial aid to execute such projects, the Caribbean should tap into the wealth and resources of its nationals in the U.S., especially at this time of an economic down turn.
Additionally, he insists that the region should recognize their nationals who have been living in the U.S. for more than “two or three decades that can contribute back home, helping to invest, helping to start a business, helping to actually serve as mentors for small business owners in the Caribbean,” the CACCI head told this publication.
CACCI also proposes a meeting of the Caribbean American Diaspora Organizations, organizing an annual national awards ceremony and the hosting of a Caribbean Diaspora week in New York.