Cabinet approves Gy$170M for construction of One Mile Primary in Linden

Residents clearing the burnt-out site of the One Mile Primary School in Linden during the early stages of the rebuilding efforts
Residents clearing the burnt-out site of the One Mile Primary School
in Linden during the early stages of the rebuilding efforts

Cabinet has given its no-objection to a contract of Gy$170.22 million to construct the One-Mile Primary, which was burnt down during the Linden unrest.

Residents had commenced an ambitious plan to reconstruct the school, but made little progress despite the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) offering 36 sacks of cement as a donation.

Region 10 Chairman Sharma Solomon had said that with government undertaking to rebuild the school, the rebuild committee will be seeking instead to upgrade school facilities.

A project to rebuild the school through self-help was launched in October 2012 and drew the attention of multiple donors across the country and the diaspora, who contributed monies and equipment towards its reconstruction in an effort to assist the 900 displaced students who were alternatively placed in various schools across Linden.

The focus, now, according to Solomon, is to achieve more modern facilities during and after the school’s reconstruction.

“I had a discussion with officials of the Ministry of Education and I know that there is a Gy$50 million allocation that is in the budget for that school, so the discussion was to move as soon as possible to a tendering process or a process that will allow for the works to begin as soon as possible. So that is where the discussion with the ministry is right now.

“What the rebuild project will do is move towards a new arrangement. What we’re going to do with that committee is have them focus more on other needs of the school, so it will move towards the establishment of a more modern computer lab and putting in other amenities in the school that makes it more modern and upgraded.


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