Businessman had warned intruder before shooting – police

Senior ranks of the Guyana Police Force on Wednesday confirmed that on the night of the fatal shooting at Tuschen, East Bank Essequibo, which resulted in the death of an intruder, the businessman had warned his unwanted guest several times before he discharged his licensed fire arm.
According to information, the businessman, Andrew Forrester, returned home just after mid-night on the day in question and upon entering his home, he was greeted by an intruder who was later identified as 28-year-old James Williams. The house was reportedly locked and the intruder was busy looking for valuables. At this time, Forrester ordered Williams to identify himself and instructed him to leave his premises before he is forced to open fire. With the firearm in his hands, he reportedly alerted Williams several times about his intentions, but he was ignored.

James Williams
James Williams

The police ranks added that after the first bullet was discharged, hitting the intruder in the shoulder, it did not stop him from walking in the direction of the businessman, who in turn discharged another round hitting him to his abdomen.
After receiving the two shots, Williams of Edingburg, New Amsterdam, Berbice reportedly fell to the ground, by which time the Forrester telephoned the police, who responded promptly.
Williams was picked up and taken to the Leonora Cottage Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival.
The businessman was subsequently taken into police custody where he was grilled about the shooting, but was later released. The police rank also confirmed that Forrester is a licensed firearm holder, underscoring that he used it to defend his property and self.
When contacted on Wednesday morning, Forrester told this newspaper that he was not in the mood to speak about the ordeal and instructed that contact be made with the divisional commander.
Neighbours said they did not hear any gunshots in the man’s house on the day in question. Guyana Times International was told that the businessman does not live where the alleged incident took place, but visits occasionally to host parties. It is not clear what occurred on the day when Williams was shot and killed and the only person to give an account of what occurred is the businessman himself.

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