Business sense

Dear Diary,

This is Gas Skin. No…no…no! NOT Ram Own Gas Skin. Please, Dear Diary, don’t keep confusing me with that loudmouth. I am the quiet Gas Skin. I just came back from England trying to drum up some foreign Guyanese to invest back home.

It was not as exciting as I thought it would have been. I didn’t get to see the Queen – even though I did see the Guards in their snazzy Red Costumes guarding Buckingham Palace.

 I didn’t bother to bring up with the Guyanese they could lobby to remove the British ban on our greenheart – which has destroyed our forestry sector. Nah…I told them about us conserving our rainforests and wetlands and suchlike. We may starve…but we love our forests and if we die, we will die protecting them.

I told our brothers in England (NOT “the brothers”, Dear Diary. Please. I am not that riff raff Gas Skin) that while there is poverty, inequality, poor health care and education in Guyana, we are not unique. What do they think caused the Manchester bombing??

I also told them how much better off we were than Venezuela and Brazil that have all kinds of problems – including bombings. But I told them also we will get rich from building that road to Brazil so we can ship their goods. If their problems go away.

But Dear Diary, I don’t really think we will get much business from Britain. Didn’t they do a Brexit from us before that Brexit from Europe? Only we call it “independence”. You can’t trust them.

 But I just figured a way to solve our business problems. When I left Timehri, I saw hundreds of Cubans shipping huge bundles of goods by plane. They buy it from the Chinese businesses.

 All we have to do is start collecting duties and VAT from them!!

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