David Lewis, a 48-year-old bus driver of Tuschen, East Bank Essequibo (EBE), was on Tuesday slapped with a verbal abuse charge when he appeared at the Leonora Magistrate’s Court.
He was accused of verbally abusing a passenger who was travelling in his minibus, bearing registration number BSS 5193, and who requested that he stop speeding.

According to reports, the young woman is claiming that Lewis was driving at a pace of 140mph which frightened her and as such, she requested that he slow down.
However, this angered the man who boasted of driving for some 23 years without being involved in an accident. He further told the young nurse that she can report the matter as he is not afraid of the Police. She was then let out of the minibus and further told by the driver that “you are a very stupid girl, same thing you frighten will kill you”.
The young woman, Jeneal Lewis, made a Facebook post of her experience which the said driver saw and continued to publically verbally abuse her.
The matter was reported and Lewis was charged for overloading the minibus, speeding and conduct of driver.
He was granted G$10,000 bail on all the charges and will return to the Leonora Magistrate’s Court on September 17 for trial.