Burglar tells Court he fell asleep and woke up in VC’s bed

Burglary accused: Shawn English
Burglary accused: Shawn English

A man who was brought before Magistrate Fabayo Azore on Monday to answer to a burglary charge told the Court that he fell asleep outside the home of the Virtual Complainant (VC) and woke up in the VC’s bed.

Shawn English admitted that on January 2 at Georgetown, he broke and entered the house of Mark Niles and stole a cellular phone valued at Gy$70,000 and Gy$160,000 cash, a total value of Gy$230,000.

The defendant told the Magistrate that on the day in question he was imbibing alcohol in the vicinity of the VC’s house.

“I was high and I tek’ knock out. When I wake up back, I was lying inside on the bed,” he stated. “Me ain’t tek the thing. I ain’t want no story. I would work and pay him back just fuh done the story,” he further stated. Upon hearing this, the Magistrate recorded a not-guilty plea on behalf of the defendant.

The VC related to the court that he grew up in the same neighbourhood as the defendant, who upon hearing that broke down in tears.

Police Prosecutor Simone Payne had no objections to bail. The Prosecutor informed the Court that the phone was recovered and the family of the accused had opted to compensate the VC.

The Magistrate placed the man on Gy$65,000 bail. He was given until February 4 to fully compensate the VC.

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