Bulkan, Palmer spreading misinformation about Guyana

Dear Editor,

Kindly permit me to respond to Part IV of Janette Bulkan and John Palmer’s critical review of the annual reports of the Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC) submitted to Parliament and carried in another section of the press on January 30.

Bulkan and Palmer’s main objective in their so-called reviewing of the GFC’s reports submitted to Parliament is to deliberately find fault and more so, to criticise the reports which currently have no basis.

But the GFC is equipped with its own expertise to prepare its reports and does not need persons like Bulkan and Palmer to provide any public lecture on their annual report writing.

Bulkan and Palmer are so far in their fourth series of reviewing the GFC’s reports and to date, have not come up with anything substantial – only an accumulation of worthless claims being mere figments of their own imagination to bamboozle the unsuspecting reading public.

This is an indicator that Bulkan and Palmer are totally unable to professionally and technically analyse the GFC’s reports. But Palmer should know better as a British citizen how to conduct proper reviewing of reports in a sequential manner before they can become acceptable in the British parliament.

However, he failed miserably to commence his reviewing from the period 1964-1992 and then move on to 2005-2012 in relation to Guyana.

What Bulkan and Palmer can therefore do quickly is to lobby their People’s National Congress (PNC)/A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) coalition to move a motion in Parliament for the establishment of a special committee to review Guyana’s reports from 1964-1992 and then move onwards.

Certainly the PNC/APNU will identify both Bulkan and Palmer to serve on this committee, so as to produce an analysis or analyses of Guyana’s development performance for the periods mentioned.

But the problem with Bulkan and Palmer is their reluctance to acknowledge that in Guyana, there has been social and economic progress from 1993 to present under the current government which did not happen from 1964-1992 under the illegal PNC government.

Today, they are totally ashamed and making claims that Guyana has not changed for the betterment of Guyanese, hence their so-called reviewing of reports, particularly those of the GFC.

My advice to Bulkan and Palmer is to return to Guyana and find out about its economic growth and inflation rates, the number of titled Amerindian communities and the annual increases of the wages and salaries of public servants, to name just a few.

The reality is that Guyana is positioned for major social and economic transformations, where Bulkan and Palmer’s coalition, the PNC/APNC, is now calling for shared governance which was never offered to the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) while being the government for 28 years.

Bulkan and Palmer, however, continue to spread misleading and malicious information about Guyana even though they have been calling for the freedom of information act. What they need to do now is to call for laws for the prohibition of persons spreading misleading information and the prosecution of such persons.


Yours sincerely,

Peter Persaud

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