Budget cuts, GWI and de mayor fuh life!

A lotta changes tekkin place in Guyana these last few days and weeks. De guvament start to scale down plenty projects because of de budget cuts, and GPL planning to increase electricity rates, also because of de budget cuts.
Soon de guvament might start fuh claim that is de budget cuts that mek dem can’t hold local guvament elections fuh de last 19 years, because any time sum ting can’t get done, de budget cuts gettin all de blame.
De FLAPNU leader Green Jah on de other hand, seh de country ain’t feelin no effects yet from de budget cuts, while de man who seh he runnin tings at de KFC, Rum Jhaat seh de pressure building pun de guvament and de country.
And talkin bout pressure, that is exactly what de workers at GWI lookin to deliver in de water pipelines to people nowadays. But it look like de only water pressure that comin is in de rain from de skies. So de GWI workers prayin fuh more rain so dem don’t have to go to wuk.
Plus de people seh that de rain water cleaner than de GWI red and black water. In de country side, people getting red water and in de city, people getting black water. But de more people use de rain water is de more de water bills goin up. So de people not sure if GWI chargin customers fuh usin rain water too.
Ting-a-ling-a-ling…friend tell friend…mattie tell mattie! Then de mayor fuh life Green Ham decide again that he still ain’t got time wid lookin after de **ity. Now he want to debate de local guvament minister. So look out fuh more garbage in de Garbage Town (GT).

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